►Ngtsam | Global functions in a separate testing namespace |
►NimuBias | All bias models live in the imuBias namespace |
CConstantBias | |
►Ninternal | |
►NlinearAlgorithms | |
COptimizeClique | Pre-order visitor for back-substitution in a Bayes tree |
COptimizeData | |
Capply_compose | |
Capply_compose< double > | |
CAutoTicToc | Small class that calls internal::tic at construction, and internol::toc when destroyed |
CDynamicTraits | |
CExecutionTrace | |
CExpressionNode | |
CFastDefaultAllocator | Default allocator for list, map, and set types |
CFastDefaultVectorAllocator | Default allocator for vector types (we never use boost pool for vectors) |
CFixedSizeMatrix | |
CGetDimensionImpl | Extra manifold traits for fixed-dimension types |
CGetDimensionImpl< Class, Eigen::Dynamic > | Extra manifold traits for variable-dimension types |
Chandle | |
Chandle< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N > > | |
Chandle_matrix | |
Chandle_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N >, false > | |
Chandle_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N >, true > | |
CHasManifoldPrereqs | Requirements on type to pass it to Manifold template below |
CHasVectorSpacePrereqs | Requirements on type to pass it to Manifold template below |
CLieGroup | Both LieGroupTraits and Testable |
CLieGroupTraits | A helper class that implements the traits interface for GTSAM lie groups |
CManifold | Both ManifoldTraits and Testable |
CManifoldTraits | A helper that implements the traits interface for GTSAM manifolds |
CScalarTraits | A helper that implements the traits interface for scalar vector spaces |
CTimingOutline | Timing Entry, arranged in a tree |
CVectorSpace | VectorSpace provides both Testable and VectorSpaceTraits |
CVectorSpaceImpl | VectorSpaceTraits Implementation for Fixed sizes |
CVectorSpaceImpl< Class, Eigen::Dynamic > | VectorSpaceTraits implementation for dynamic types |
CVectorSpaceTraits | A helper that implements the traits interface for classes that define vector spaces To use this for your class, define: template<> struct traits<Class> : public VectorSpaceTraits<Class> {}; The class needs to support the requirements defined by HasVectorSpacePrereqs above |
►NnoiseModel | All noise models live in the noiseModel namespace |
►NmEstimator | The mEstimator name space contains all robust error functions |
CBase | |
CCauchy | Cauchy implements the "Cauchy" robust error model (Lee2013IROS) |
CDCS | DCS implements the Dynamic Covariance Scaling robust error model from the paper Robust Map Optimization (Agarwal13icra) |
CFair | Fair implements the "Fair" robust error model (Zhang97ivc) |
CGemanMcClure | GemanMcClure implements the "Geman-McClure" robust error model (Zhang97ivc) |
CHuber | Huber implements the "Huber" robust error model (Zhang97ivc) |
CL2WithDeadZone | L2WithDeadZone implements a standard L2 penalty, but with a dead zone of width 2*k, centered at the origin |
CNull | Null class should behave as Gaussian |
CTukey | Tukey implements the "Tukey" robust error model (Zhang97ivc) |
CWelsch | Welsch implements the "Welsch" robust error model (Zhang97ivc) |
CBase | NoiseModel::Base is the abstract base class for all noise models |
CConstrained | A Constrained constrained model is a specialization of Diagonal which allows some or all of the sigmas to be zero, forcing the error to be zero there |
CDiagonal | A diagonal noise model implements a diagonal covariance matrix, with the elements of the diagonal specified in a Vector |
CGaussian | Gaussian implements the mathematical model |R*x|^2 = |y|^2 with R'*R=inv(Sigma) where y = whiten(x) = R*x x = unwhiten(x) = inv(R)*y as indeed |y|^2 = y'*y = x'*R'*R*x Various derived classes are available that are more efficient |
CIsotropic | An isotropic noise model corresponds to a scaled diagonal covariance To construct, use one of the static methods |
CRobust | Base class for robust error models The robust M-estimators above simply tell us how to re-weight the residual, and are isotropic kernels, in that they do not allow for correlated noise |
CUnit | Unit: i.i.d |
►Nso3 | |
CDexpFunctor | Functor that implements Exponential map and its derivatives |
CExpmapFunctor | Functor implementing Exponential map |
C_ValuesConstKeyValuePair | |
C_ValuesKeyValuePair | |
CAcceleratedPowerMethod | Compute maximum Eigenpair with accelerated power method |
CAcceleratingScenario | Accelerating from an arbitrary initial state, with optional rotation |
►CActiveSetSolver | This class implements the active set algorithm for solving convex Programming problems |
CState | This struct contains the state information for a single iteration |
CAdaptAutoDiff | The AdaptAutoDiff class uses ceres-style autodiff to adapt a ceres-style Function evaluation, i.e., a function FUNCTOR that defines an operator template<typename T> bool operator()(const T* const, const T* const, T*
predicted) const; For now only binary operators are supported |
Cadditive_group_tag | |
CAHRSFactor | |
►CAlgebraicDecisionTree | Algebraic Decision Trees fix the range to double Just has some nice constructors and some syntactic sugar TODO: consider eliminating this class altogether? |
CRing | The Real ring with addition and multiplication |
CAllDiff | General AllDiff constraint Returns 1 if values for all keys are different, 0 otherwise DiscreteFactors are all awkward in that they have to store two types of keys: for each variable we have a Key and an Key |
CAntiFactor | |
CAssignment | An assignment from labels to value index (size_t) |
CAttitudeFactor | |
►CBasis | CRTP Base class for function bases |
CComponentDerivativeFunctor | Given a M*N Matrix of M-vectors at N polynomial points, an instance of ComponentDerivativeFunctor computes the N-vector derivative for a specific row component of the M-vectors at all the polynomial points |
CDerivativeFunctor | An instance of a DerivativeFunctor calculates f'(x;p) at a given x , applied to Parameters p |
CDerivativeFunctorBase | Base class for functors below that calculate derivative weights |
CEvaluationFunctor | An instance of an EvaluationFunctor calculates f(x;p) at a given x , applied to Parameters p |
CManifoldEvaluationFunctor | Manifold EvaluationFunctor at a given x, applied to ParameterMatrix<M> |
CVectorComponentFunctor | Given a M*N Matrix of M-vectors at N polynomial points, an instance of VectorComponentFunctor computes the N-vector value for a specific row component of the M-vectors at all the polynomial points |
CVectorDerivativeFunctor | VectorDerivativeFunctor at a given x, applied to ParameterMatrix<M> |
CVectorEvaluationFunctor | VectorEvaluationFunctor at a given x, applied to ParameterMatrix<M> |
CBatchFixedLagSmoother | |
CBayesNet | A BayesNet is a tree of conditionals, stored in elimination order |
CBayesTree | |
CBayesTreeCliqueBase | This is the base class for BayesTree cliques |
CBayesTreeCliqueData | Store all the sizes
CBayesTreeCliqueStats | Clique statistics |
CBayesTreeOrphanWrapper | |
CBearing | |
CBearing< Pose2, T > | |
CBearing< Pose3, Point3 > | |
CBearing< Pose3, Pose3 > | |
CBearingFactor | |
CBearingRange | Bearing-Range product for a particular A1,A2 combination will use the functors above to create a similar functor of type A1*A2 -> pair<Bearing::return_type,Range::return_type> For example BearingRange<Pose2,Point2>(pose,point) will return pair<Rot2,double> and BearingRange<Pose3,Point3>(pose,point) will return pair<Unit3,double> |
CBearingRangeFactor | |
CBetweenConstraint | Binary between constraint - forces between to a given value This constraint requires the underlying type to a Lie type |
CBetweenFactor | |
CBetweenFactorEM | |
CBiasedGPSFactor | |
CBinaryAllDiff | Binary AllDiff constraint Returns 1 if values for two keys are different, 0 otherwise DiscreteFactors are all awkward in that they have to store two types of keys: for each variable we have a Index and an Index |
CBinaryJacobianFactor | A binary JacobianFactor specialization that uses fixed matrix math for speed |
CBinaryMeasurement | |
CBinarySumExpression | A BinarySumExpression is a specialization of Expression that adds two expressions together It optimizes the Jacobian calculation for this specific case |
CBlockJacobiPreconditioner | |
CBlockJacobiPreconditionerParameters | |
CBoundingConstraint1 | |
CBoundingConstraint2 | Binary scalar inequality constraint, with a similar value() function to implement for specific systems |
►CBTree | |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator Not trivial: iterator keeps a stack to indicate current path from root_ |
CCal3 | |
CCal3_S2 | |
CCal3_S2Stereo | |
CCal3Bundler | |
CCal3DS2 | |
CCal3DS2_Base | |
CCal3Fisheye | |
CCal3Unified | |
CCalibratedCamera | |
CCameraProjectionMatrix | Create a 3*4 camera projection matrix from calibration and pose |
CCameraSet | A set of cameras, all with their own calibration |
CCGState | |
CChebyshev1Basis | Basis of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chebyshev_polynomials#First_kind These are typically denoted with the symbol T_n, where n is the degree |
CChebyshev2 | Chebyshev Interpolation on Chebyshev points of the second kind Note that N here, the number of points, is one less than N from 'Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice by L |
CChebyshev2Basis | Basis of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind |
CCheiralityException | |
CCholeskyFailed | Indicate Cholesky factorization failure |
►CClusterTree | A cluster-tree is associated with a factor graph and is defined as in Koller-Friedman: each node k represents a subset C_k \sub X , and the tree is family preserving, in that each factor f_i is associated with a single cluster and scope(f_i) \sub C_k |
CCluster | A Cluster is just a collection of factors |
CCombinedImuFactor | |
CComponentDerivativeFactor | A unary factor which enforces the evaluation of the derivative of a BASIS polynomial is equal to the scalar value at a specific index i of a vector-valued measurement z |
Ccompose_key_visitor | |
►CConcurrentBatchFilter | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother interface |
CResult | Meta information returned about the update |
►CConcurrentBatchSmoother | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother interface |
CResult | Meta information returned about the update |
CConcurrentFilter | The interface for the 'Filter' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother architecture |
►CConcurrentIncrementalFilter | An iSAM2-based Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother interface |
CResult | Meta information returned about the update |
►CConcurrentIncrementalSmoother | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother interface |
CResult | Meta information returned about the update |
CConcurrentMap | |
CConcurrentSmoother | The interface for the 'Smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoother architecture |
CConditional | TODO: Update comments |
CConjugateGradientParameters | Parameters for the conjugate gradient method |
Cconst_selector | Helper class that uses templates to select between two types based on whether TEST_TYPE is const or not |
Cconst_selector< BASIC_TYPE, BASIC_TYPE, AS_NON_CONST, AS_CONST > | Specialization for the non-const version |
Cconst_selector< const BASIC_TYPE, BASIC_TYPE, AS_NON_CONST, AS_CONST > | Specialization for the const version |
CConstantTwistScenario | Scenario with constant twist 3D trajectory |
CConstantVelocityFactor | Binary factor for applying a constant velocity model to a moving body represented as a NavState |
CConstraint | Base class for discrete probabilistic factors The most general one is the derived DecisionTreeFactor |
►CConstructorTraversalData | |
CSymbolicFactors | |
CCRefCallAddCopy | Helper |
CCRefCallPushBack | Helper |
CCSP | Constraint Satisfaction Problem class A specialization of a DiscreteFactorGraph |
CCustomFactor | |
CCyclic | Cyclic group of order N |
►CDecisionTree | Decision Tree L = label for variables Y = function range (any algebra), e.g., bool, int, double |
CChoice | |
CLeaf | |
CNode | ---------------------— Node base class ------------------------— |
CDecisionTreeFactor | A discrete probabilistic factor |
CDeltaFactor | DeltaFactor: relative 2D measurement between Pose2 and Point2 |
CDeltaFactorBase | DeltaFactorBase: relative 2D measurement between Pose2 and Point2, with Basenodes |
►CDeltaImpl | |
CPartialSolveResult | |
CReorderingMode | |
CDerivativeFactor | A unary factor which enforces the evaluation of the derivative of a BASIS polynomial at a specified pointx is equal to the scalar measurement z |
CDGroundConstraint | Ground constraint: forces the robot to be upright (no roll, pitch), a fixed height, and no velocity in z direction Dim: 4 |
CDHeightPrior | Forces the value of the height (z) in a PoseRTV to a specific value |
CDirectProduct | |
CDirectSum | Template to construct the direct sum of two additive groups Assumes existence of three additive operators for both groups |
CDiscreteBayesNet | A Bayes net made from linear-Discrete densities |
CDiscreteBayesTree | A Bayes tree representing a Discrete density |
CDiscreteBayesTreeClique | A clique in a DiscreteBayesTree |
CDiscreteConditional | Discrete Conditional Density Derives from DecisionTreeFactor |
CDiscreteEliminationTree | |
CDiscreteEulerPoincareHelicopter | Implement the Discrete Euler-Poincare' equation: |
CDiscreteFactor | Base class for discrete probabilistic factors The most general one is the derived DecisionTreeFactor |
CDiscreteFactorGraph | A Discrete Factor Graph is a factor graph where all factors are Discrete, i.e |
CDiscreteJunctionTree | |
CDiscreteKeys | DiscreteKeys is a set of keys that can be assembled using the & operator |
CDiscreteMarginals | A class for computing marginals of variables in a DiscreteFactorGraph |
CDoglegOptimizer | This class performs Dogleg nonlinear optimization |
►CDoglegOptimizerImpl | This class contains the implementation of the Dogleg algorithm |
CIterationResult | |
CDoglegParams | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt optimization |
CDomain | Domain restriction constraint |
CDRollPrior | Forces the roll to a particular value - useful for flying robots Implied value is zero Dim: 1 |
CDSF | |
CDSFBase | |
►CDSFMap | |
CEntry | We store the forest in an STL map, but parents are done with pointers |
CDSFVector | |
CDummy | |
CDummyFactor | |
CDummyPreconditioner | |
CDummyPreconditionerParameters | |
CDynamicValuesMismatched | |
CEliminatableClusterTree | A cluster-tree that eliminates to a Bayes tree |
CEliminateableFactorGraph | EliminateableFactorGraph is a base class for factor graphs that contains elimination algorithms |
►CEliminationData | |
CEliminationPostOrderVisitor | |
CEliminationTraits | Traits class for eliminateable factor graphs, specifies the types that result from elimination, etc |
CEliminationTraits< DiscreteFactorGraph > | |
CEliminationTraits< GaussianFactorGraph > | |
CEliminationTraits< SymbolicFactorGraph > | |
►CEliminationTree | An elimination tree is a data structure used intermediately during elimination |
CNode | |
CEqualityFactorGraph | Collection of all Linear Equality constraints Ax=b of a Programming problem as a Factor Graph |
Cequals | Template to create a binary predicate |
Cequals_star | Binary predicate on shared pointers |
CEquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel | |
CEquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel_NoBias | |
CErrors | Vector of errors |
CEssentialMatrix | An essential matrix is like a Pose3, except with translation up to scale It is named after the 3*3 matrix aEb = [aTb]x aRb from computer vision, but here we choose instead to parameterize it as a (Rot3,Unit3) pair |
CEssentialMatrixConstraint | |
CEssentialMatrixFactor | Factor that evaluates epipolar error p'Ep for given essential matrix |
CEssentialMatrixFactor2 | Binary factor that optimizes for E and inverse depth d: assumes measurement in image 2 is perfect, and returns re-projection error in image 1 |
CEssentialMatrixFactor3 | Binary factor that optimizes for E and inverse depth d: assumes measurement in image 2 is perfect, and returns re-projection error in image 1 This version takes an extrinsic rotation to allow for omni-directional rigs |
CEssentialMatrixFactor4 | Binary factor that optimizes for E and calibration K using the algebraic epipolar error (K^-1 pA)'E (K^-1 pB) |
CEvaluationFactor | Factor for enforcing the scalar value of the polynomial BASIS representation at x is the same as the measurement z when using a pseudo-spectral parameterization |
►CExpression | Expression class that supports automatic differentiation |
CBinaryFunction | |
CTernaryFunction | |
CUnaryFunction | |
CExpressionFactor | Factor that supports arbitrary expressions via AD |
CExpressionFactorGraph | Factor graph that supports adding ExpressionFactors directly |
CExpressionFactorN | N-ary variadic template for ExpressionFactor meant as a base class for N-ary factors |
CExtendedKalmanFilter | This is a generic Extended Kalman Filter class implemented using nonlinear factors |
CFactor | This is the base class for all factor types |
CFactorGraph | A factor graph is a bipartite graph with factor nodes connected to variable nodes |
CFastList | |
CFastMap | |
CFastSet | |
CFitBasis | Class that does regression via least squares Example usage: size_t N = 3; auto fit = FitBasis<Chebyshev2>(data_points, noise_model, N); Vector coefficients = fit.parameters(); |
CFixedDimension | Give fixed size dimension of a type, fails at compile time if dynamic |
►CFixedLagSmoother | |
CResult | Meta information returned about the update |
CFixedVector | Fixed size vectors - compatible with boost vectors, but with compile-type size checking |
CFourierBasis | Fourier basis |
CFrobeniusBetweenFactor | FrobeniusBetweenFactor is a BetweenFactor that evaluates the Frobenius norm of the rotation error between measured and predicted (rather than the Logmap of the error) |
CFrobeniusFactor | FrobeniusFactor calculates the Frobenius norm between rotation matrices |
CFrobeniusPrior | FrobeniusPrior calculates the Frobenius norm between a given matrix and an element of SO(3) or SO(4) |
CFullIMUFactor | Class that represents integrating IMU measurements over time for dynamic systems This factor has dimension 9, with a built-in constraint for velocity modeling |
CFunctorizedFactor | Factor which evaluates provided unary functor and uses the result to compute error with respect to the provided measurement |
CFunctorizedFactor2 | Factor which evaluates provided binary functor and uses the result to compute error with respect to the provided measurement |
CG_x1 | Helper class that computes the derivative of f w.r.t |
CGaussianBayesNet | A Bayes net made from linear-Gaussian densities |
CGaussianBayesTree | A Bayes tree representing a Gaussian density |
CGaussianBayesTreeClique | A clique in a GaussianBayesTree |
CGaussianConditional | A conditional Gaussian functions as the node in a Bayes network It has a set of parents y,z, etc |
CGaussianDensity | A Gaussian density |
CGaussianEliminationTree | |
CGaussianFactor | An abstract virtual base class for JacobianFactor and HessianFactor |
CGaussianFactorGraph | A Linear Factor Graph is a factor graph where all factors are Gaussian, i.e |
CGaussianFactorGraphSystem | System class needed for calling preconditionedConjugateGradient |
CGaussianISAM | |
CGaussianJunctionTree | |
CGaussMarkov1stOrderFactor | |
CGaussNewtonOptimizer | This class performs Gauss-Newton nonlinear optimization |
CGaussNewtonParams | Parameters for Gauss-Newton optimization, inherits from NonlinearOptimizationParams |
CGeneralSFMFactor | |
CGeneralSFMFactor2 | Non-linear factor for a constraint derived from a 2D measurement |
CGenericProjectionFactor | |
CGenericStereoFactor | |
CGenericValue | Wraps any type T so it can play as a Value |
CGncOptimizer | |
CGncParams | |
CGPSFactor | |
CGPSFactor2 | |
CGraphvizFormatting | Formatting options when saving in GraphViz format using NonlinearFactorGraph::saveGraph |
Cgroup_tag | Tag to assert a type is a group |
CHasBearing | |
CHasRange | |
CHasTestablePrereqs | Requirements on type to pass it to Testable template below |
CHessianFactor | A Gaussian factor using the canonical parameters (information form) |
CIMUFactor | Class that represents integrating IMU measurements over time for dynamic systems Templated to allow for different key types, but variables all assumed to be PoseRTV |
CImuFactor | |
CImuFactor2 | |
CInconsistentEliminationRequested | An inference algorithm was called with inconsistent arguments |
CIncrementalFixedLagSmoother | This is a base class for the various HMF2 implementations |
CIndeterminantLinearSystemException | Thrown when a linear system is ill-posed |
CIndexPair | Small utility class for representing a wrappable pairs of ints |
CInequalityFactorGraph | Collection of all Linear Inequality constraints Ax-b <= 0 of a Programming problem as a Factor Graph |
CInertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity | |
CInfeasibleInitialValues | An exception indicating that the provided initial value is infeasible Also used to inzdicatethat the noise model dimension passed into a JacobianFactor has a different dimensionality than the factor |
CInfeasibleOrUnboundedProblem | |
CInitializePose3 | |
CInvalidArgumentThreadsafe | Thread-safe invalid argument exception |
CInvalidDenseElimination | |
CInvalidMatrixBlock | An exception indicating that a matrix block passed into a JacobianFactor has a different dimensionality than the factor |
CInvalidNoiseModel | An exception indicating that the noise model dimension passed into a JacobianFactor has a different dimensionality than the factor |
CInvDepthFactor3 | Ternary factor representing a visual measurement that includes inverse depth |
CInvDepthFactorVariant1 | Binary factor representing a visual measurement using an inverse-depth parameterization |
CInvDepthFactorVariant2 | Binary factor representing a visual measurement using an inverse-depth parameterization |
CInvDepthFactorVariant3a | Binary factor representing the first visual measurement using an inverse-depth parameterization |
CInvDepthFactorVariant3b | Ternary factor representing a visual measurement using an inverse-depth parameterization |
CISAM | A Bayes tree with an update methods that implements the iSAM algorithm |
CISAM2 | |
CISAM2BayesTree | |
CISAM2Clique | Specialized Clique structure for ISAM2, incorporating caching and gradient contribution TODO: more documentation |
CISAM2DoglegParams | |
CISAM2GaussNewtonParams | |
CISAM2JunctionTree | |
CISAM2Params | |
►CISAM2Result | |
►CDetailedResults | A struct holding detailed results, which must be enabled with ISAM2Params::enableDetailedResults |
CVariableStatus | The status of a single variable, this struct is stored in DetailedResults::variableStatus |
CISAM2UpdateParams | |
CIsGroup | Group Concept |
CIsLieGroup | Lie Group Concept |
CIsTestable | |
CIsVectorSpace | Vector Space concept |
CIterativeOptimizationParameters | Parameters for iterative linear solvers |
CIterativeSolver | Base class for Iterative Solvers like SubgraphSolver |
CJacobianFactor | A Gaussian factor in the squared-error form |
CJacobianFactorQ | JacobianFactor for Schur complement that uses Q noise model |
CJacobianFactorQR | JacobianFactor for Schur complement that uses Q noise model |
CJacobianFactorSVD | JacobianFactor for Schur complement that uses the "Nullspace Trick" by Mourikis et al |
CJointMarginal | A class to store and access a joint marginal, returned from Marginals::jointMarginalCovariance and Marginals::jointMarginalInformation |
CJunctionTree | |
CKalmanFilter | Kalman Filter class |
CKarcherMeanFactor | The KarcherMeanFactor creates a constraint on all SO(n) variables with given keys that the Karcher mean (see above) will stay the same |
Ckey_formatter | Output stream manipulator that will format gtsam::Keys according to the given KeyFormatter, as long as Key values are wrapped in a gtsam::StreamedKey |
CKeyInfo | Handy data structure for iterative solvers |
CKeyInfoEntry | Handy data structure for iterative solvers key to (index, dimension, start) |
CLabeledSymbol | Customized version of gtsam::Symbol for multi-robot use |
CLevenbergMarquardtOptimizer | This class performs Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear optimization |
CLevenbergMarquardtParams | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt optimization |
Clie_group_tag | Tag to assert a type is a Lie group |
CLieGroup | A CRTP helper class that implements Lie group methods Prerequisites: methods operator*, inverse, and AdjointMap, as well as a ChartAtOrigin struct that will be used to define the manifold Chart To use, simply derive, but also say "using LieGroup<Class,N>::inverse" For derivative math, see doc/math.pdf |
CLine3 | |
CLinearContainerFactor | Dummy version of a generic linear factor to be injected into a nonlinear factor graph |
CLinearCost | This class defines a linear cost function c'x which is a JacobianFactor with only one row |
CLinearEquality | This class defines a linear equality constraints, inheriting JacobianFactor with the special Constrained noise model |
CLinearInequality | This class defines a linear inequality constraint Ax-b <= 0, inheriting JacobianFactor with the special Constrained noise model |
CLinearizedGaussianFactor | A base factor class for the Jacobian and Hessian linearized factors |
CLinearizedHessianFactor | A factor that takes a linear, Hessian factor and inserts it into a nonlinear graph |
CLinearizedJacobianFactor | A factor that takes a linear, Jacobian factor and inserts it into a nonlinear graph |
CListOfOneContainer | A helper class that behaves as a container with one element, and works with boost::range |
CLocalOrientedPlane3Factor | Factor to measure a planar landmark from a given pose, with a given local linearization point |
CLP | Data structure of a Linear Program |
CLPInitSolver | This LPInitSolver implements the strategy in Matlab: http://www.mathworks.com/help/optim/ug/linear-programming-algorithms.html#brozyzb-9 Solve for x and y: min y st Ax = b Cx - y <= d where y \in R, x \in R^n, and Ax = b and Cx <= d is the constraints of the original problem |
CLPPolicy | Policy for ActivetSetSolver to solve Linear Programming |
CMagFactor | Factor to estimate rotation given magnetometer reading This version uses model measured bM = scale * bRn * direction + bias and assumes scale, direction, and the bias are given |
CMagFactor1 | Factor to estimate rotation given magnetometer reading This version uses model measured bM = scale * bRn * direction + bias and assumes scale, direction, and the bias are given |
CMagFactor2 | Factor to calibrate local Earth magnetic field as well as magnetometer bias This version uses model measured bM = bRn * nM + bias and optimizes for both nM and the bias, where nM is in units defined by magnetometer |
CMagFactor3 | Factor to calibrate local Earth magnetic field as well as magnetometer bias This version uses model measured bM = scale * bRn * direction + bias and optimizes for both scale, direction, and the bias |
CMagPoseFactor | Factor to estimate rotation of a Pose2 or Pose3 given a magnetometer reading |
CMakeJacobian | : meta-function to generate Jacobian |
CMakeOptionalJacobian | : meta-function to generate JacobianTA optional reference Used mainly by Expressions |
Cmanifold_tag | Tag to assert a type is a manifold |
CManifoldEvaluationFactor | For a measurement value of type T i.e |
CManifoldPreintegration | IMU pre-integration on NavSatet manifold |
CMarginalizeNonleafException | Thrown when requesting to marginalize out variables from ISAM2 that are not leaves |
CMarginals | A class for computing Gaussian marginals of variables in a NonlinearFactorGraph |
CMechanization_bRn2 | |
CMetisIndex | Converts a factor graph into the Compressed Sparse Row format for use in METIS algorithms |
Cmultiplicative_group_tag | Group operator syntax flavors |
CMultiplyWithInverse | Functor that implements multiplication of a vector b with the inverse of a matrix A |
CMultiplyWithInverseFunction | Functor that implements multiplication with the inverse of a matrix, itself the result of a function f |
CMultiProjectionFactor | |
CNavState | Navigation state: Pose (rotation, translation) + velocity NOTE(frank): it does not make sense to make this a Lie group, but it is a 9D manifold |
Cneeds_eigen_aligned_allocator | A SFINAE trait to mark classes that need special alignment |
Cneeds_eigen_aligned_allocator< T, void_t< typename T::_eigen_aligned_allocator_trait > > | |
CNoiseModelFactor | A nonlinear sum-of-squares factor with a zero-mean noise model implementing the density P(z|x) \propto exp -0.5*|z-h(x)|^2_C Templated on the parameter type X and the values structure Values There is no return type specified for h(x) |
CNoiseModelFactor1 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 1 variable |
CNoiseModelFactor2 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 2 variables |
CNoiseModelFactor3 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 3 variables |
CNoiseModelFactor4 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 4 variables |
CNoiseModelFactor5 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 5 variables |
CNoiseModelFactor6 | A convenient base class for creating your own NoiseModelFactor with 6 variables |
CNoMatchFoundForFixed | |
►CNonlinearClusterTree | |
CNonlinearCluster | |
CNonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer | An implementation of the nonlinear CG method using the template below |
CNonlinearEquality | An equality factor that forces either one variable to a constant, or a set of variables to be equal to each other |
CNonlinearEquality1 | Simple unary equality constraint - fixes a value for a variable |
CNonlinearEquality2 | Simple binary equality constraint - this constraint forces two variables to be the same |
CNonlinearFactor | Nonlinear factor base class |
CNonlinearFactorGraph | A non-linear factor graph is a graph of non-Gaussian, i.e |
CNonlinearISAM | Wrapper class to manage ISAM in a nonlinear context |
CNonlinearOptimizer | This is the abstract interface for classes that can optimize for the maximum-likelihood estimate of a NonlinearFactorGraph |
CNonlinearOptimizerParams | The common parameters for Nonlinear optimizers |
COdometryFactorBase | OdometryFactorBase: Pose2 odometry, with Basenodes |
COptionalJacobian | OptionalJacobian is an Eigen::Ref like class that can take be constructed using either a fixed size or dynamic Eigen matrix |
COptionalJacobian< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | |
COrdering | |
Cordering_key_visitor | |
COrientedPlane3 | Represents an infinite plane in 3D, which is composed of a planar normal and its perpendicular distance to the origin |
COrientedPlane3DirectionPrior | |
COrientedPlane3Factor | Factor to measure a planar landmark from a given pose |
COutOfRangeThreadsafe | Thread-safe out of range exception |
CParameterMatrix | A matrix abstraction of MxN values at the Basis points |
CPartialPriorFactor | A class for a soft partial prior on any Lie type, with a mask over Expmap parameters |
CPCGSolver | A virtual base class for the preconditioned conjugate gradient solver |
CPCGSolverParameters | Parameters for PCG |
CPendulumFactor1 | This class implements the first constraint |
CPendulumFactor2 | This class implements the second constraint the |
CPendulumFactorPk | This class implements the first position-momentum update rule p_k = -D_1 L_d(q_k,q_{k+1},h) = \frac{1}{h}mr^{2}\left(q_{k+1}-q_{k}\right)+mgrh(1-\alpha)\,\sin\left((1-\alpha)q_{k}+\alpha q_{k+1}\right) = (1/h)mr^2 (q_{k+1}-q_k) + mgrh(1-alpha) sin ((1-alpha)q_k+\alpha q_{k+1}) |
CPendulumFactorPk1 | This class implements the second position-momentum update rule p_k1 = D_2 L_d(q_k,q_{k+1},h) = \frac{1}{h}mr^{2}\left(q_{k+1}-q_{k}\right)-mgrh\alpha\sin\left((1-\alpha)q_{k}+\alpha q_{k+1}\right) = (1/h)mr^2 (q_{k+1}-q_k) - mgrh alpha sin ((1-alpha)q_k+\alpha q_{k+1}) |
CPinholeBase | |
CPinholeBaseK | |
CPinholeCamera | |
CPinholePose | |
CPinholeSet | PinholeSet: triangulates point and keeps an estimate of it around |
►CPose2 | |
CChartAtOrigin | |
►CPose3 | |
CChartAtOrigin | |
CPose3AttitudeFactor | |
CPoseBetweenFactor | |
CPoseConcept | Pose Concept A must contain a translation and a rotation, with each structure accessable directly and a type provided for each |
CPosePriorFactor | |
CPoseRotationPrior | |
CPoseRTV | Robot state for use with IMU measurements |
CPoseToPointFactor | |
CPoseTranslationPrior | A prior on the translation part of a pose |
CPotentials | A base class for both DiscreteFactor and DiscreteConditional |
CPowerMethod | Compute maximum Eigenpair with power method |
CPreconditioner | |
CPreconditionerParameters | |
CPredecessorMap | Map from variable key to parent key |
CPreintegratedAhrsMeasurements | PreintegratedAHRSMeasurements accumulates (integrates) the Gyroscope measurements (rotation rates) and the corresponding covariance matrix |
CPreintegratedCombinedMeasurements | |
CPreintegratedImuMeasurements | |
CPreintegratedRotation | PreintegratedRotation is the base class for all PreintegratedMeasurements classes (in AHRSFactor, ImuFactor, and CombinedImuFactor) |
CPreintegratedRotationParams | Parameters for pre-integration: Usage: Create just a single Params and pass a shared pointer to the constructor |
CPreintegrationBase | PreintegrationBase is the base class for PreintegratedMeasurements (in ImuFactor) and CombinedPreintegratedMeasurements (in CombinedImuFactor) |
CPreintegrationCombinedParams | Parameters for pre-integration using PreintegratedCombinedMeasurements: Usage: Create just a single Params and pass a shared pointer to the constructor |
CPreintegrationParams | Parameters for pre-integration: Usage: Create just a single Params and pass a shared pointer to the constructor |
CPriorFactor | |
CProductLieGroup | Template to construct the product Lie group of two other Lie groups Assumes Lie group structure for G and H |
CProjectionFactorPPP | |
CProjectionFactorPPPC | |
CProjectionFactorRollingShutter | |
CQP | Struct contains factor graphs of a Quadratic Programming problem |
CQPInitSolver | This class finds a feasible solution for a QP problem |
CQPPolicy | Policy for ActivetSetSolver to solve Linear Programming |
CQPSParser | |
CQPSParserException | |
CRange | |
CRange< CalibratedCamera, T > | |
CRange< PinholeCamera< Calibration >, T > | |
CRange< Point2, Point2 > | |
CRange< Point3, Point3 > | |
CRange< Pose2, T > | |
CRange< Pose3, T > | |
CRange< PoseRTV, PoseRTV > | |
CRangeFactor | |
CRangeFactorWithTransform | |
CReconstruction | Implement the Reconstruction equation: g_{k+1} = g_k \exp (h\xi_k) , where h : timestep (parameter) g_{k+1}, g_{k} : poses at the current and the next timestep \xi_k : the body-fixed velocity (Lie algebra) It is somewhat similar to BetweenFactor, but treats the body-fixed velocity \xi_k as a variable |
CRedirectCout | For Python str() |
CRefCallPushBack | Helper |
CReferenceFrameFactor | A constraint between two landmarks in separate maps Templated on: Point : Type of landmark Transform : Transform variable class |
CRegularHessianFactor | |
CRegularImplicitSchurFactor | RegularImplicitSchurFactor |
CRegularJacobianFactor | JacobianFactor with constant sized blocks Provides raw memory access versions of linear operator |
CRelativeElevationFactor | Binary factor for a relative elevation |
CReshape | Reshape functor |
CReshape< M, M, InOptions, M, M, InOptions > | Reshape specialization that does nothing as shape stays the same (needed to not be ambiguous for square input equals square output) |
CReshape< M, N, InOptions, M, N, InOptions > | Reshape specialization that does nothing as shape stays the same |
CReshape< N, M, InOptions, M, N, InOptions > | Reshape specialization that does transpose |
►CRot2 | |
CChartAtOrigin | |
►CRot3 | |
CCayleyChart | |
CChartAtOrigin | |
CRot3AttitudeFactor | |
CRotateDirectionsFactor | Factor on unknown rotation iRc that relates two directions c Directions provide less constraints than a full rotation |
CRotateFactor | Factor on unknown rotation iRC that relates two incremental rotations c1Rc2 = iRc' * i1Ri2 * iRc Which we can write (see doc/math.lyx) e^[z] = iRc' * e^[p] * iRc = e^([iRc'*p]) with z and p measured and predicted angular velocities, and hence p = iRc * z |
CRuntimeErrorThreadsafe | Thread-safe runtime error exception |
CSampler | Sampling structure that keeps internal random number generators for diagonal distributions specified by NoiseModel |
CScalarMultiplyExpression | A ScalarMultiplyExpression is a specialization of Expression that multiplies with a scalar It optimizes the Jacobian calculation for this specific case |
CScatter | Scatter is an intermediate data structure used when building a HessianFactor incrementally, to get the keys in the right order |
CScenario | Simple trajectory simulator |
CScenarioRunner | |
CScheduler | Scheduler class Creates one variable for each student, and three variables for each of the student's areas, for a total of 4*nrStudents variables |
CSDGraph | SDGraph is undirected graph with variable keys and double edge weights |
CSfmData | Define the structure for SfM data |
CSfmTrack | Define the structure for the 3D points |
CSGraph | |
CShonanAveraging | Class that implements Shonan Averaging from our ECCV'20 paper |
CShonanAveraging2 | |
CShonanAveraging3 | |
CShonanAveragingParameters | Parameters governing optimization etc |
CShonanFactor | ShonanFactor is a BetweenFactor that moves in SO(p), but will land on the SO(d) sub-manifold of SO(p) at the global minimum |
CShonanGaugeFactor | The ShonanGaugeFactor creates a constraint on a single SO(n) to avoid moving in the stabilizer |
CSignature | Signature for a discrete conditional density, used to construct conditionals |
►CSimilarity3 | 3D similarity transform |
CChartAtOrigin | Chart at the origin |
CSingleValue | SingleValue constraint |
CSlotEntry | One SlotEntry stores the slot index for a variable, as well its dim |
CSmartFactorBase | Base class for smart factors |
CSmartProjectionFactor | SmartProjectionFactor: triangulates point and keeps an estimate of it around |
CSmartProjectionParams | |
CSmartProjectionPoseFactor | |
CSmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter | |
CSmartProjectionRigFactor | |
►CSmartRangeFactor | |
CCircle2 | |
CSmartStereoProjectionFactor | SmartStereoProjectionFactor: triangulates point and keeps an estimate of it around |
CSmartStereoProjectionFactorPP | |
CSmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor | |
►CSO | Manifold of special orthogonal rotation matrices SO<N> |
CChartAtOrigin | |
CStereoCamera | |
CStereoCheiralityException | |
CStereoPoint2 | |
CStreamedKey | To use the key_formatter on Keys, they must be wrapped in a StreamedKey |
►CSubgraph | |
CEdge | |
CSubgraphBuilder | |
CSubgraphBuilderParameters | |
CSubgraphPreconditioner | Subgraph conditioner class, as explained in the RSS 2010 submission |
CSubgraphPreconditionerParameters | |
CSubgraphSolver | This class implements the linear SPCG solver presented in Dellaert et al in IROS'10 |
CSubgraphSolverParameters | |
CSymbol | Character and index key used to refer to variables |
CSymbolGenerator | Generates symbol shorthands with alternative names different than the one-letter predefined ones |
CSymbolicBayesNet | Symbolic Bayes Net |
CSymbolicBayesTree | A Bayes tree that represents the connectivity between variables but is not associated with any probability functions |
CSymbolicBayesTreeClique | A clique in a SymbolicBayesTree |
CSymbolicConditional | SymbolicConditional is a conditional with keys but no probability data, produced by symbolic elimination of SymbolicFactor |
CSymbolicEliminationTree | |
CSymbolicFactor | SymbolicFactor represents a symbolic factor that specifies graph topology but is not associated with any numerical function |
CSymbolicFactorGraph | Symbolic Factor Graph |
CSymbolicISAM | |
CSymbolicJunctionTree | |
CSymmetricBlockMatrix | |
CSystem | Helper class encapsulating the combined system |Ax-b_|^2 Needed to run Conjugate Gradients on matrices |
CTangentPreintegration | Integrate on the 9D tangent space of the NavState manifold |
CTbbOpenMPMixedScope | An object whose scope defines a block where TBB and OpenMP parallelism are mixed |
CTestable | A helper that implements the traits interface for GTSAM types |
CThreadsafeException | Base exception type that uses tbb_allocator if GTSAM is compiled with TBB |
CTOAFactor | A "Time of Arrival" factor - so little code seems hardly worth it :-) |
Ctraits | A manifold defines a space in which there is a notion of a linear tangent space that can be centered around a given point on the manifold |
Ctraits< BearingFactor< A1, A2, T > > | Traits |
Ctraits< BearingRange< A1, A2 > > | |
Ctraits< BearingRangeFactor< A1, A2, B, R > > | Traits |
Ctraits< BetweenConstraint< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< BetweenFactor< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< BinaryJacobianFactor< M, N1, N2 > > | |
Ctraits< Cal3_S2 > | |
Ctraits< Cal3_S2Stereo > | |
Ctraits< Cal3Bundler > | |
Ctraits< Cal3DS2 > | |
Ctraits< Cal3Fisheye > | |
Ctraits< Cal3Unified > | |
Ctraits< CalibratedCamera > | |
Ctraits< CameraSet< CAMERA > > | |
Ctraits< CombinedImuFactor > | |
Ctraits< ConcurrentBatchFilter > | Traits |
Ctraits< ConcurrentBatchSmoother > | Traits |
Ctraits< ConcurrentIncrementalFilter > | Traits |
Ctraits< ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother > | Traits |
Ctraits< const Cal3_S2 > | |
Ctraits< const Cal3_S2Stereo > | |
Ctraits< const Cal3Bundler > | |
Ctraits< const Cal3DS2 > | |
Ctraits< const Cal3Fisheye > | |
Ctraits< const Cal3Unified > | |
Ctraits< const CalibratedCamera > | |
Ctraits< const CameraSet< CAMERA > > | |
Ctraits< const EssentialMatrix > | |
Ctraits< const Line3 > | |
Ctraits< const OrientedPlane3 > | |
Ctraits< const PinholeCamera< Calibration > > | |
Ctraits< const PinholePose< CALIBRATION > > | |
Ctraits< const PinholeSet< CAMERA > > | |
Ctraits< const Pose2 > | |
Ctraits< const Pose3 > | |
Ctraits< const Rot2 > | |
Ctraits< const Rot3 > | |
Ctraits< const Similarity3 > | |
Ctraits< const SO3 > | |
Ctraits< const SO4 > | |
Ctraits< const SO< N > > | |
Ctraits< const StereoCamera > | |
Ctraits< const StereoPoint2 > | |
Ctraits< const Unit3 > | |
Ctraits< Cyclic< N > > | Define cyclic group to be a model of the Additive Group concept |
Ctraits< DecisionTreeFactor > | |
Ctraits< DirectProduct< G, H > > | |
Ctraits< DirectSum< G, H > > | |
Ctraits< DiscreteBayesNet > | |
Ctraits< DiscreteConditional > | |
Ctraits< DiscreteFactor > | |
Ctraits< DiscreteFactor::Values > | |
Ctraits< DiscreteFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< double > | Double |
Ctraits< Eigen::Matrix< double, -1, -1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
Ctraits< Eigen::Matrix< double, -1, 1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
Ctraits< Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, -1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
Ctraits< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
Ctraits< EqualityFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< Errors > | Traits |
Ctraits< EssentialMatrix > | |
Ctraits< ExpressionFactor< T > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ExpressionFactorN< T, Args... > > | Traits |
Ctraits< float > | Float |
Ctraits< FunctorizedFactor2< R, T1, T2 > > | Traits |
Ctraits< FunctorizedFactor< R, T > > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianBayesNet > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianBayesTree > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianConditional > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussianISAM > | Traits |
Ctraits< GaussMarkov1stOrderFactor< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< GeneralSFMFactor2< CALIBRATION > > | |
Ctraits< GeneralSFMFactor< CAMERA, LANDMARK > > | |
Ctraits< GenericProjectionFactor< POSE, LANDMARK, CALIBRATION > > | Traits |
Ctraits< GenericStereoFactor< T1, T2 > > | Traits |
Ctraits< GenericValue< ValueType > > | |
Ctraits< HessianFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< imuBias::ConstantBias > | |
Ctraits< ImuFactor > | |
Ctraits< ImuFactor2 > | |
Ctraits< InequalityFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity< POSE, VELOCITY, IMUBIAS > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ISAM2 > | Traits |
Ctraits< JacobianFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< JacobianFactorQ< D, ZDim > > | |
Ctraits< Key > | |
Ctraits< LabeledSymbol > | Traits |
Ctraits< Line3 > | |
Ctraits< LinearContainerFactor > | |
Ctraits< LinearCost > | Traits |
Ctraits< LinearEquality > | Traits |
Ctraits< LinearInequality > | Traits |
Ctraits< LinearizedHessianFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< LinearizedJacobianFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< LP > | Traits |
Ctraits< NavState > | |
Ctraits< noiseModel::Constrained > | |
Ctraits< noiseModel::Diagonal > | |
Ctraits< noiseModel::Gaussian > | Traits |
Ctraits< noiseModel::Isotropic > | |
Ctraits< noiseModel::Unit > | |
Ctraits< NonlinearEquality1< VALUE > > | |
Ctraits< NonlinearEquality2< VALUE > > | |
Ctraits< NonlinearEquality< VALUE > > | |
Ctraits< NonlinearFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< NonlinearFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< Ordering > | Traits |
Ctraits< OrientedPlane3 > | |
Ctraits< ParameterMatrix< M > > | |
Ctraits< PinholeCamera< Calibration > > | |
Ctraits< PinholePose< CALIBRATION > > | |
Ctraits< PinholeSet< CAMERA > > | |
Ctraits< Pose2 > | |
Ctraits< Pose3 > | |
Ctraits< Pose3AttitudeFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< PoseRTV > | |
Ctraits< Potentials > | |
Ctraits< Potentials::ADT > | |
Ctraits< PreintegratedCombinedMeasurements > | |
Ctraits< PreintegratedImuMeasurements > | |
Ctraits< PreintegratedRotation > | |
Ctraits< PreintegrationCombinedParams > | |
Ctraits< PriorFactor< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ProductLieGroup< G, H > > | |
Ctraits< ProjectionFactorPPP< POSE, LANDMARK, CALIBRATION > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ProjectionFactorPPPC< POSE, LANDMARK, CALIBRATION > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ProjectionFactorRollingShutter > | Traits |
Ctraits< QUATERNION_TYPE > | |
Ctraits< RangeFactor< A1, A2, T > > | Traits |
Ctraits< RangeFactorWithTransform< A1, A2, T > > | Traits |
Ctraits< ReferenceFrameFactor< T1, T2 > > | Traits |
Ctraits< RegularHessianFactor< D > > | |
Ctraits< RegularImplicitSchurFactor< CAMERA > > | |
Ctraits< Rot2 > | |
Ctraits< Rot3 > | |
Ctraits< Rot3AttitudeFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< SfmData > | Traits |
Ctraits< SfmTrack > | Traits |
Ctraits< Similarity3 > | |
Ctraits< SmartProjectionFactor< CAMERA > > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartProjectionPoseFactor< CALIBRATION > > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter< CAMERA > > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartProjectionRigFactor< CAMERA > > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartStereoProjectionFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP > | Traits |
Ctraits< SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< SO3 > | |
Ctraits< SO4 > | |
Ctraits< SO< N > > | |
Ctraits< StereoCamera > | |
Ctraits< StereoPoint2 > | |
Ctraits< Symbol > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicBayesNet > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicBayesTree > | |
Ctraits< SymbolicBayesTreeClique > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicConditional > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicEliminationTree > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicFactor > | Traits |
Ctraits< SymbolicFactorGraph > | Traits |
Ctraits< TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM< VALUE > > | Traits |
Ctraits< Unit3 > | |
Ctraits< Values > | Traits |
Ctraits< VariableIndex > | Traits |
Ctraits< VariableSlots > | Traits |
Ctraits< VectorValues > | Traits |
CTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor | |
CTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM | |
CTransformCovariance | Functor for transforming covariance of T |
CTranslationFactor | |
CTranslationRecovery | |
CTriangulationCheiralityException | Exception thrown by triangulateDLT when landmark is behind one or more of the cameras |
CTriangulationFactor | |
CTriangulationParameters | |
CTriangulationResult | TriangulationResult is an optional point, along with the reasons why it is invalid |
CTriangulationUnderconstrainedException | Exception thrown by triangulateDLT when SVD returns rank < 3 |
CUnit3 | Represents a 3D point on a unit sphere |
CUpdateImpl | Implementation functions for update method All of the methods below have clear inputs and outputs, even if not functional: iSAM2 is inherintly imperative |
CValue | This is the base class for any type to be stored in Values |
CValueCloneAllocator | |
►CValues | A non-templated config holding any types of Manifold-group elements |
CConstFiltered | A filtered view of a const Values, returned from Values::filter |
CConstKeyValuePair | A key-value pair, which you get by dereferencing iterators |
CFiltered | A filtered view of a Values, returned from Values::filter |
CKeyValuePair | A key-value pair, which you get by dereferencing iterators |
CValuesCastHelper | |
CValuesCastHelper< const Value, CastedKeyValuePairType, KeyValuePairType > | |
CValuesCastHelper< Value, CastedKeyValuePairType, KeyValuePairType > | |
CValuesIncorrectType | |
CValuesKeyAlreadyExists | |
CValuesKeyDoesNotExist | |
CValueWithDefault | Helper struct that encapsulates a value with a default, this is just used as a member object so you don't have to specify defaults in the class constructor |
CVariableIndex | Computes and stores the block column structure of a factor graph |
CVariableSlots | A combined factor is assembled as one block of rows for each component factor |
Cvector_space_tag | Tag to assert a type is a vector space |
CVectorComponentFactor | Unary factor for enforcing BASIS polynomial evaluation on a ParameterMatrix of size (P, N) is equal to specified measurement at the same point, when using a pseudo-spectral parameterization |
CVectorDerivativeFactor | A unary factor which enforces the evaluation of the derivative of a BASIS polynomial at a specified point x is equal to the vector value z |
CVectorEvaluationFactor | Unary factor for enforcing BASIS polynomial evaluation on a ParameterMatrix of size (M, N) is equal to a vector-valued measurement at the same point, when using a pseudo-spectral parameterization |
CVectorValues | This class represents a collection of vector-valued variables associated each with a unique integer index |
CVelocityConstraint | Constraint to enforce dynamics between the velocities and poses, using a prediction based on a numerical integration flag |
CVelocityConstraint3 | |
CVelocityPrior | Constrains the full velocity of a state to a particular value Useful for enforcing a stationary state Dim: 3 |
CVerticalBlockMatrix | |
CWeightedSampler | |
CWhiteNoiseFactor | Binary factor to estimate parameters of zero-mean Gaussian white noise |