| GaussianBayesTreeClique (const boost::shared_ptr< GaussianConditional > &conditional) |
void | setEliminationResult (const typename FactorGraphType::EliminationResult &eliminationResult) |
| Fill the elimination result produced during elimination. More...
bool | equals (const GaussianBayesTreeClique &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| check equality
virtual void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| print this node
const sharedConditional & | conditional () const |
| Access the conditional.
bool | isRoot () const |
| is this the root of a Bayes tree ?
size_t | treeSize () const |
| The size of subtree rooted at this clique, i.e., nr of Cliques.
size_t | numCachedSeparatorMarginals () const |
| Collect number of cliques with cached separator marginals.
derived_ptr | parent () const |
| return a shared_ptr to the parent clique
int | problemSize () const |
| Problem size (used for parallel traversal)
BayesNetType | shortcut (const derived_ptr &root, Eliminate function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| return the conditional P(S|Root) on the separator given the root
FactorGraphType | separatorMarginal (Eliminate function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| return the marginal P(S) on the separator
FactorGraphType | marginal2 (Eliminate function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| return the marginal P(C) of the clique, using marginal caching
void | deleteCachedShortcuts () |
| This deletes the cached shortcuts of all cliques (subtree) below this clique. More...
const boost::optional< FactorGraphType > & | cachedSeparatorMarginal () const |
sharedConditional | conditional_ |
derived_weak_ptr | parent_ |
FastVector< derived_ptr > | children |
int | problemSize_ |
bool | is_root |
| BayesTreeCliqueBase () |
| Default constructor.
| BayesTreeCliqueBase (const sharedConditional &conditional) |
| Construct from a conditional, leaving parent and child pointers uninitialized.
| BayesTreeCliqueBase (const BayesTreeCliqueBase &c) |
| Shallow copy constructor.
BayesTreeCliqueBase & | operator= (const BayesTreeCliqueBase &c) |
| Shallow copy assignment constructor.
virtual | ~BayesTreeCliqueBase () |
KeyVector | separator_setminus_B (const derived_ptr &B) const |
| Calculate set S \setminus B for shortcut calculations.
KeyVector | shortcut_indices (const derived_ptr &B, const FactorGraphType &p_Cp_B) const |
| Determine variable indices to keep in recursive separator shortcut calculation The factor graph p_Cp_B has keys from the parent clique Cp and from B. More...
void | deleteCachedShortcutsNonRecursive () |
| Non-recursive delete cached shortcuts and marginals - internal only.
boost::optional< FactorGraphType > | cachedSeparatorMarginal_ |
| This stores the Cached separator marginal P(S)
std::mutex | cachedSeparatorMarginalMutex_ |
| This protects Cached seperator marginal P(S) from concurrent read/writes as many the functions which access it are const (hence the mutable) leading to the false impression that these const functions are thread-safe which is not true due to these mutable values. More...
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