Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- R() : gtsam::GaussianConditional, gtsam::Line3, gtsam::NavState, gtsam::noiseModel::Diagonal, gtsam::noiseModel::Gaussian
- r() : gtsam::Pose2
- r1() : gtsam::Rot3
- r2() : gtsam::Rot3
- r3() : gtsam::Rot3
- r_ : gtsam::PendulumFactorPk1, gtsam::PendulumFactorPk
- Random() : gtsam::EssentialMatrix, gtsam::Rot2, gtsam::Rot3, gtsam::SO< N >, gtsam::Unit3
- range() : gtsam::BearingRange< A1, A2, B, R >, gtsam::CalibratedCamera, gtsam::PinholeBaseK< CALIBRATION >, gtsam::PinholeCamera< Calibration >, gtsam::Pose2, gtsam::Pose3, gtsam::PoseRTV, gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- RangeFactor() : gtsam::RangeFactor< A1, A2, T >
- rankTolerance : gtsam::TriangulationParameters
- Rc1() : gtsam::SubgraphPreconditioner
- recalculate() : gtsam::ISAM2
- RedirectCout() : gtsam::RedirectCout
- ReferenceFrameFactor() : gtsam::ReferenceFrameFactor< POINT, TRANSFORM >
- referencePoint() : gtsam::InvDepthFactorVariant2
- referencePoint_ : gtsam::InvDepthFactorVariant2
- RegularHessianFactor() : gtsam::RegularHessianFactor< D >
- RegularImplicitSchurFactor() : gtsam::RegularImplicitSchurFactor< CAMERA >
- RegularJacobianFactor() : gtsam::RegularJacobianFactor< D >
- rekey() : gtsam::LinearContainerFactor, gtsam::NonlinearFactor, gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph
- relativeBearing() : gtsam::Rot2
- relativeCostTol : gtsam::GncParams< BaseOptimizerParameters >
- relativeErrorTol : gtsam::NonlinearOptimizerParams
- RelinearizationThreshold : gtsam::ISAM2Params
- relinearizeSkip : gtsam::ISAM2Params
- relinearizeThreshold : gtsam::ISAM2Params
- remainingFactors() : gtsam::EliminatableClusterTree< BAYESTREE, GRAPH >, gtsam::EliminationTree< BAYESNET, GRAPH >
- remove() : gtsam::BTree< KEY, VALUE >, gtsam::FactorGraph< FACTOR >, gtsam::VariableIndex
- remove_min() : gtsam::BTree< KEY, VALUE >
- removeClique() : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- removeFactorIndices : gtsam::ISAM2UpdateParams
- removeFactors() : gtsam::BatchFixedLagSmoother
- removePath() : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- removeSubtree() : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- removeTop() : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- removeUnusedVariables() : gtsam::VariableIndex
- removeVariables() : gtsam::ISAM2
- RENORM : gtsam::Unit3
- reorder() : gtsam::BatchFixedLagSmoother
- reorder_relinearize() : gtsam::NonlinearISAM
- reorderCounter() : gtsam::NonlinearISAM
- reorderInterval() : gtsam::NonlinearISAM
- reorderInterval_ : gtsam::NonlinearISAM
- repeat() : gtsam::FixedVector< N >
- replace() : gtsam::FactorGraph< FACTOR >
- reprojectionError() : gtsam::CameraSet< CAMERA >
- reprojectionErrorAfterTriangulation() : gtsam::SmartProjectionFactor< CAMERA >, gtsam::SmartStereoProjectionFactor
- requestedTypeId() : gtsam::ValuesIncorrectType
- reserve() : gtsam::FactorGraph< FACTOR >
- reset_ : gtsam::ConjugateGradientParameters
- resetIntegration() : gtsam::PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements, gtsam::PreintegratedCombinedMeasurements, gtsam::PreintegratedImuMeasurements, gtsam::PreintegratedRotation
- resize() : gtsam::FactorGraph< FACTOR >
- Result() : gtsam::ConcurrentBatchFilter::Result, gtsam::ConcurrentBatchSmoother::Result, gtsam::ConcurrentIncrementalFilter::Result, gtsam::ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother::Result
- result_ : gtsam::SmartProjectionFactor< CAMERA >, gtsam::SmartStereoProjectionFactor
- retract() : gtsam::BearingRange< A1, A2, B, R >, gtsam::Cal3_S2, gtsam::Cal3_S2Stereo, gtsam::Cal3Bundler, gtsam::Cal3DS2, gtsam::Cal3Fisheye, gtsam::Cal3Unified, gtsam::CalibratedCamera, gtsam::EssentialMatrix, gtsam::GenericValue< T >, gtsam::LieGroup< Class, N >
- Retract() : gtsam::LieGroup< Class, N >
- retract() : gtsam::Line3, gtsam::NavState, gtsam::OrientedPlane3, gtsam::PinholeCamera< Calibration >, gtsam::PinholePose< CALIBRATION >
- Retract() : gtsam::SO< N >::ChartAtOrigin
- retract() : gtsam::StereoCamera, gtsam::Unit3, gtsam::Values
- retract_() : gtsam::GenericValue< T >, gtsam::Value
- retractCayley() : gtsam::Rot3
- retriangulationThreshold : gtsam::SmartProjectionParams
- reverse_iterator : gtsam::Values
- reweight() : gtsam::noiseModel::mEstimator::Base
- reweight_ : gtsam::noiseModel::mEstimator::Base
- rgb() : gtsam::SfmTrack
- riemannianGradient() : gtsam::ShonanAveraging< d >
- right() : gtsam::StereoPoint2
- Robust() : gtsam::noiseModel::Robust
- robust() : gtsam::noiseModel::Robust
- robust_ : gtsam::noiseModel::Robust
- Rodrigues() : gtsam::Rot3
- roll() : gtsam::Rot3
- root() : gtsam::Expression< T >
- roots() : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- Roots : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >
- roots() : gtsam::ClusterTree< GRAPH >, gtsam::EliminationTree< BAYESNET, GRAPH >
- roots_ : gtsam::BayesTree< CLIQUE >, gtsam::ClusterTree< GRAPH >, gtsam::EliminationTree< BAYESNET, GRAPH >
- Rot2() : gtsam::Rot2
- Rot3() : gtsam::Rot3
- Rot3AttitudeFactor() : gtsam::Rot3AttitudeFactor
- rotate() : gtsam::EssentialMatrix, gtsam::Rot2, gtsam::Rot3
- RotateDirectionsFactor() : gtsam::RotateDirectionsFactor
- RotateFactor() : gtsam::RotateFactor
- rotation() : gtsam::EssentialMatrix, gtsam::PinholeBase
- Rotation : gtsam::PinholeBase
- rotation() : gtsam::Pose2
- Rotation : gtsam::Pose2
- rotation() : gtsam::Pose3
- Rotation : gtsam::Pose3
- rotation() : gtsam::Similarity3
- rotationInterval() : gtsam::Pose2, gtsam::Pose3
- roundSolution() : gtsam::ShonanAveraging< d >
- roundSolutionS() : gtsam::ShonanAveraging< d >
- row() : gtsam::ParameterMatrix< M >
- Row : gtsam::Signature
- rowDim_ : gtsam::DummyFactor
- rowEnd() : gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- rowEnd_ : gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- rows() : gtsam::HessianFactor, gtsam::JacobianFactor, gtsam::ParameterMatrix< M >, gtsam::SymmetricBlockMatrix, gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- rowStart() : gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- rowStart_ : gtsam::VerticalBlockMatrix
- rpy() : gtsam::Rot3
- RRTMbn() : gtsam::PoseRTV
- RRTMnb() : gtsam::PoseRTV
- run() : gtsam::ShonanAveraging< d >, gtsam::TranslationRecovery
- RuntimeErrorThreadsafe() : gtsam::RuntimeErrorThreadsafe
- Rx() : gtsam::Rot3
- Ry() : gtsam::Rot3
- Rz() : gtsam::Rot3
- RzRyRx() : gtsam::Rot3