gtsam 4.1.1
gtsam::DSF< KEY > Class Template Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for gtsam::DSF< KEY >:

Public Member Functions

 DSF (const Tree &tree)
 DSF (const std::list< KEY > &keys)
 DSF (const std::set< KEY > &keys)
Self makeSet (const KEY &key) const
void makeSetInPlace (const KEY &key)
KEY findSet (const KEY &key) const
Self makeUnion (const KEY &key1, const KEY &key2) const
void makeUnionInPlace (const KEY &key1, const KEY &key2)
Self makePair (const KEY &key1, const KEY &key2) const
Self makeList (const std::list< KEY > &keys) const
DSF flatten () const
DSF map (std::function< KEY(const KEY &)> func) const
size_t numSets () const
size_t size () const
std::map< KEY, Set > sets () const
std::map< KEY, Set > partition (const std::list< KEY > &keys) const
Set set (const KEY &label) const
bool operator== (const Self &t) const
bool operator!= (const Self &t) const
void print (const std::string &name="DSF") const

Public Types

typedef DSF< KEY > Self
typedef std::set< KEY > Set
typedef BTree< KEY, KEY > Tree
typedef std::pair< KEY, KEY > KeyLabel

Protected Member Functions

KEY findSet_ (const KEY &key)
 same as findSet except with path compression: After we have traversed the path to the root, each parent pointer is made to directly point to it
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::BTree< KEY, KEY >
 BTree ()
 default constructor creates an empty tree
 BTree (const BTree &other)
 copy constructor
 BTree (const value_type &keyValue)
 create leaf from key-value pair
 BTree (const BTree &l, const value_type &keyValue, const BTree &r)
 create from key-value pair and left, right subtrees
BTreeoperator= (const BTree &other)
 assignment operator
bool empty () const
 Check whether tree is empty.
BTree add (const value_type &xd) const
 add a key-value pair
BTree add (const KEY &x, const KEY &d) const
 add a key-value pair
bool mem (const KEY &x) const
 member predicate
bool same (const BTree &other) const
 Check whether trees are exactly the same (occupy same memory)
bool operator== (const BTree &other) const
 Check whether trees are structurally the same, i.e., contain the same values in same tree-structure.
bool operator!= (const BTree &other) const
const value_type & min () const
 minimum key binding
BTree remove_min () const
 remove minimum key binding
BTree remove (const KEY &x) const
 remove a key-value pair
size_t height () const
 Return height of the tree, 0 if empty.
size_t size () const
 return size of the tree
const KEY & find (const KEY &k) const
 find a value given a key, throws exception when not found Optimized non-recursive version as [find] is crucial for speed
void print (const std::string &s="") const
 print in-order
void iter (std::function< void(const KEY &, const KEY &)> f) const
 iterate over tree
BTree< KEY, TO > map (std::function< TO(const KEY &, const KEY &)> f) const
 map key-values in tree over function f that computes a new value
ACC fold (std::function< ACC(const KEY &, const KEY &, const ACC &)> f, const ACC &a) const
 t.fold(f,a) computes [(f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...)], where [k1 ... kN] are the keys of all bindings in [m], and [d1 ... dN] are the associated data. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 return iterator
const_iterator end () const
 return iterator

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from gtsam::BTree< KEY, KEY >
typedef std::pair< KEY, KEY > value_type
typedef const_iterator iterator
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::BTree< KEY, KEY >
static BTree merge (const BTree &t1, const BTree &t2)
 merge two trees

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