▼ gtsam | |
► base | |
chartTesting.h | |
cholesky.cpp | Efficient incomplete Cholesky on rank-deficient matrices, todo: constrained Cholesky |
cholesky.h | Efficient incomplete Cholesky on rank-deficient matrices, todo: constrained Cholesky |
concepts.h | |
ConcurrentMap.h | |
debug.cpp | Global debugging flags |
debug.h | Global debugging flags |
DSFMap.h | Allow for arbitrary type in DSF |
DSFVector.cpp | Faster implementation for DSF, which uses vector rather than btree |
DSFVector.h | A faster implementation for DSF, which uses vector rather than btree |
FastDefaultAllocator.h | An easy way to control which allocator is used for Fast* collections |
FastList.h | A thin wrapper around std::list that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
FastMap.h | A thin wrapper around std::map that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
FastSet.h | A thin wrapper around std::set that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
FastVector.h | A thin wrapper around std::vector that uses a custom allocator |
GenericValue.h | |
Group.h | Concept check class for variable types with Group properties |
Lie.h | Base class and basic functions for Lie types |
LieMatrix.h | External deprecation warning, see deprecated/LieMatrix.h for details |
lieProxies.h | Provides convenient mappings of common member functions for testing |
LieScalar.h | External deprecation warning, see deprecated/LieScalar.h for details |
LieVector.h | Deprecation warning for LieVector, see deprecated/LieVector.h for details |
Manifold.h | Base class and basic functions for Manifold types |
Matrix.cpp | Matrix class |
Matrix.h | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's MatrixXd |
numericalDerivative.h | Some functions to compute numerical derivatives |
OptionalJacobian.h | Special class for optional Jacobian arguments |
ProductLieGroup.h | Group product of two Lie Groups |
serialization.h | |
serializationTestHelpers.h | |
SymmetricBlockMatrix.cpp | Access to matrices via blocks of pre-defined sizes |
SymmetricBlockMatrix.h | Access to matrices via blocks of pre-defined sizes |
Testable.h | Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests |
TestableAssertions.h | Provides additional testing facilities for common data structures |
testLie.h | |
ThreadsafeException.h | Base exception type that uses tbb_exception if GTSAM is compiled with TBB |
timing.cpp | Timing utilities |
timing.h | Timing utilities |
treeTraversal-inst.h | |
types.h | Typedefs for easier changing of types |
Value.h | The base class for any variable that can be optimized or used in a factor |
Vector.cpp | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's Vectors |
Vector.h | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's VectorXd |
VectorSpace.h | |
VerticalBlockMatrix.cpp | A matrix with column blocks of pre-defined sizes |
VerticalBlockMatrix.h | A matrix with column blocks of pre-defined sizes |
► discrete | |
AlgebraicDecisionTree.h | Algebraic Decision Trees |
Assignment.h | An assignment from labels to a discrete value index (size_t) |
DecisionTree-inl.h | |
DecisionTree.h | Decision Tree for use in DiscreteFactors |
DecisionTreeFactor.cpp | Discrete factor |
DecisionTreeFactor.h | |
DiscreteBayesNet.cpp | |
DiscreteBayesNet.h | |
DiscreteBayesTree.cpp | Discrete Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a DiscreteJunctionTree |
DiscreteBayesTree.h | Discrete Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a DiscreteJunctionTree |
DiscreteConditional.cpp | |
DiscreteConditional.h | |
DiscreteEliminationTree.cpp | |
DiscreteEliminationTree.h | |
DiscreteFactor.cpp | Discrete factor |
DiscreteFactor.h | |
DiscreteFactorGraph.cpp | |
DiscreteFactorGraph.h | |
DiscreteJunctionTree.cpp | |
DiscreteJunctionTree.h | |
DiscreteKey.h | Specialized key for discrete variables |
DiscreteMarginals.h | A class for computing marginals in a DiscreteFactorGraph |
Potentials.cpp | |
Potentials.h | |
Signature.cpp | Signatures for conditional densities |
Signature.h | Signatures for conditional densities |
► geometry | |
BearingRange.h | Bearing-Range product |
Cal3_S2.cpp | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration |
Cal3_S2.h | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration |
Cal3_S2Stereo.cpp | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration + Stereo baseline |
Cal3_S2Stereo.h | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration + Stereo baseline |
Cal3Bundler.cpp | |
Cal3Bundler.h | Calibration used by Bundler |
Cal3DS2.cpp | |
Cal3DS2.h | Calibration of a camera with radial distortion, calculations in base class Cal3DS2_Base |
Cal3DS2_Base.cpp | |
Cal3DS2_Base.h | |
Cal3Unified.cpp | |
Cal3Unified.h | Unified Calibration Model, see Mei07icra for details |
CalibratedCamera.cpp | Calibrated camera for which only pose is unknown |
CalibratedCamera.h | Calibrated camera for which only pose is unknown |
CameraSet.h | Base class to create smart factors on poses or cameras |
concepts.h | |
Cyclic.cpp | Cyclic group implementation |
Cyclic.h | Cyclic group, i.e., the integers modulo N |
EssentialMatrix.h | |
OrientedPlane3.h | |
PinholeCamera.h | Base class for all pinhole cameras |
PinholePose.h | Pinhole camera with known calibration |
PinholeSet.h | A CameraSet of either CalibratedCamera, PinholePose, or PinholeCamera |
Point2.cpp | 2D Point |
Point2.h | 2D Point |
Point3.cpp | 3D Point |
Point3.h | 3D Point |
Pose2.cpp | 2D Pose |
Pose2.h | 2D Pose |
Pose3.cpp | 3D Pose |
Pose3.h | 3D Pose |
Quaternion.h | Lie Group wrapper for Eigen Quaternions |
Rot2.cpp | 2D Rotations |
Rot2.h | 2D rotation |
Rot3.cpp | Rotation, common code between Rotation matrix and Quaternion |
Rot3.h | 3D rotation represented as a rotation matrix or quaternion |
Rot3M.cpp | Rotation (internal: 3*3 matrix representation*) |
Rot3Q.cpp | Rotation (internal: quaternion representation*) |
SimpleCamera.cpp | A simple camera class with a Cal3_S2 calibration |
SimpleCamera.h | A simple camera class with a Cal3_S2 calibration |
SO3.cpp | 3*3 matrix representation of SO(3) |
SO3.h | 3*3 matrix representation of SO(3) |
StereoCamera.h | A Stereo Camera based on two Simple Cameras |
StereoPoint2.cpp | |
StereoPoint2.h | A 2D stereo point (uL,uR,v) |
triangulation.h | Functions for triangulation |
Unit3.h | |
► inference | |
BayesNet-inst.h | |
BayesNet.h | Bayes network |
BayesTree-inst.h | |
BayesTree.cpp | Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain |
BayesTree.h | Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain |
BayesTreeCliqueBase-inst.h | Base class for cliques of a BayesTree |
BayesTreeCliqueBase.h | Base class for cliques of a BayesTree |
ClusterTree-inst.h | |
ClusterTree.h | |
Conditional-inst.h | |
Conditional.h | Base class for conditional densities |
EliminateableFactorGraph-inst.h | |
EliminateableFactorGraph.h | Variable elimination algorithms for factor graphs |
EliminationTree-inst.h | |
EliminationTree.h | |
Factor.cpp | The base class for all factors |
Factor.h | The base class for all factors |
FactorGraph-inst.h | |
FactorGraph.h | Factor Graph Base Class |
graph-inl.h | |
graph.h | Graph algorithm using boost library |
inference-inst.h | Contains generic inference algorithms that convert between templated graphical models, i.e., factor graphs, Bayes nets, and Bayes trees |
inferenceExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by inference algorithms |
ISAM-inst.h | |
ISAM.h | Incremental update functionality (iSAM) for BayesTree |
JunctionTree-inst.h | The junction tree, template bodies |
JunctionTree.h | The junction tree |
Key.h | |
LabeledSymbol.h | |
MetisIndex-inl.h | |
MetisIndex.h | |
Ordering.cpp | |
Ordering.h | Variable ordering for the elimination algorithm |
Symbol.cpp | |
Symbol.h | |
VariableIndex-inl.h | |
VariableIndex.cpp | |
VariableIndex.h | |
VariableSlots.cpp | |
VariableSlots.h | VariableSlots describes the structure of a combined factor in terms of where each block comes from in the source factors |
► linear | |
BinaryJacobianFactor.h | A binary JacobianFactor specialization that uses fixed matrix math for speed |
ConjugateGradientSolver.h | Implementation of Conjugate Gradient solver for a linear system |
Errors.cpp | Factor Graph Values |
Errors.h | Vector of errors |
GaussianBayesNet.cpp | Chordal Bayes Net, the result of eliminating a factor graph |
GaussianBayesNet.h | Chordal Bayes Net, the result of eliminating a factor graph |
GaussianBayesTree-inl.h | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianBayesTree.cpp | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianBayesTree.h | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianConditional-inl.h | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianConditional.cpp | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianConditional.h | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianDensity.cpp | A Gaussian Density |
GaussianDensity.h | A Gaussian Density |
GaussianEliminationTree.cpp | |
GaussianEliminationTree.h | |
GaussianFactor.h | A factor with a quadratic error function - a Gaussian |
GaussianFactorGraph.cpp | Linear Factor Graph where all factors are Gaussians |
GaussianFactorGraph.h | Linear Factor Graph where all factors are Gaussians |
GaussianISAM.h | |
GaussianJunctionTree.cpp | |
GaussianJunctionTree.h | |
HessianFactor-inl.h | Contains the HessianFactor class, a general quadratic factor |
HessianFactor.cpp | |
HessianFactor.h | Contains the HessianFactor class, a general quadratic factor |
iterative-inl.h | Iterative methods, template implementation |
iterative.cpp | Iterative methods, implementation |
iterative.h | Iterative methods, implementation |
IterativeSolver.cpp | Some support classes for iterative solvers |
IterativeSolver.h | Some support classes for iterative solvers |
JacobianFactor-inl.h | |
JacobianFactor.cpp | |
JacobianFactor.h | |
KalmanFilter.cpp | Simple linear Kalman filter |
KalmanFilter.h | Simple linear Kalman filter |
linearAlgorithms-inst.h | Templated algorithms that are used in multiple places in linear |
linearExceptions.cpp | Exceptions that may be thrown by linear solver components |
linearExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by linear solver components |
NoiseModel.cpp | |
NoiseModel.h | |
PCGSolver.h | |
Preconditioner.h | |
RegularHessianFactor.h | HessianFactor class with constant sized blocks |
RegularJacobianFactor.h | JacobianFactor class with fixed sized blcoks |
Sampler.cpp | |
Sampler.h | Sampling that can be parameterized using a NoiseModel to generate samples fromthe given distribution |
Scatter.cpp | |
Scatter.h | Maps global variable indices to slot indices |
SubgraphBuilder.cpp | |
SubgraphBuilder.h | |
SubgraphPreconditioner.cpp | |
SubgraphPreconditioner.h | |
SubgraphSolver.cpp | Subgraph Solver from IROS 2010 |
SubgraphSolver.h | Subgraph Solver from IROS 2010 |
VectorValues.cpp | Implementations for VectorValues |
VectorValues.h | Factor Graph Values |
► navigation | |
AHRSFactor.cpp | |
AHRSFactor.h | |
AttitudeFactor.cpp | Implementation file for Attitude factor |
AttitudeFactor.h | |
CombinedImuFactor.cpp | |
CombinedImuFactor.h | |
GPSFactor.cpp | Implementation file for GPS factor |
GPSFactor.h | Header file for GPS factor |
ImuBias.cpp | |
ImuBias.h | |
ImuFactor.cpp | |
ImuFactor.h | |
MagFactor.h | Factors involving magnetometers |
ManifoldPreintegration.cpp | |
ManifoldPreintegration.h | |
NavState.h | Navigation state composing of attitude, position, and velocity |
PreintegratedRotation.cpp | |
PreintegratedRotation.h | |
PreintegrationBase.h | |
PreintegrationParams.h | |
Scenario.h | Simple class to test navigation scenarios |
ScenarioRunner.h | Simple class to test navigation scenarios |
TangentPreintegration.cpp | |
TangentPreintegration.h | |
► nonlinear | |
AdaptAutoDiff.h | Adaptor for Ceres style auto-differentiated functions |
DoglegOptimizer.cpp | |
DoglegOptimizer.h | |
DoglegOptimizerImpl.h | Nonlinear factor graph optimizer using Powell's Dogleg algorithm (detail implementation) |
Expression-inl.h | Internals for Expression.h, not for general consumption |
Expression.h | Expressions for Block Automatic Differentiation |
ExpressionFactor.h | |
ExpressionFactorGraph.h | Factor graph that supports adding ExpressionFactors directly |
expressions.h | |
expressionTesting.h | Test harness methods for expressions |
ExtendedKalmanFilter-inl.h | Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs |
ExtendedKalmanFilter.h | Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs |
factorTesting.h | Evaluate derivatives of a nonlinear factor numerically |
GaussNewtonOptimizer.cpp | |
GaussNewtonOptimizer.h | |
ISAM2-impl.cpp | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2-impl.h | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2.cpp | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2.h | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2Clique.cpp | Specialized iSAM2 Clique |
ISAM2Clique.h | Specialized iSAM2 Clique |
ISAM2Params.cpp | Parameters for iSAM 2 |
ISAM2Params.h | Parameters for iSAM 2 |
ISAM2Result.h | Class that stores detailed iSAM2 result |
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.cpp | A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.h | A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtParams.cpp | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtParams.h | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LinearContainerFactor.cpp | |
LinearContainerFactor.h | Wrap Jacobian and Hessian linear factors to allow simple injection into a nonlinear graph |
Marginals.cpp | |
Marginals.h | A class for computing marginals in a NonlinearFactorGraph |
NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.cpp | Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG |
NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.h | Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG |
NonlinearEquality.h | |
nonlinearExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by nonlinear optimization components |
NonlinearFactor.cpp | Nonlinear Factor base classes |
NonlinearFactor.h | Non-linear factor base classes |
NonlinearFactorGraph.cpp | Factor Graph Consisting of non-linear factors |
NonlinearFactorGraph.h | Factor Graph Constsiting of non-linear factors |
NonlinearISAM.h | |
NonlinearOptimizer.cpp | Convergence functions not dependent on graph types |
NonlinearOptimizer.h | Base class and parameters for nonlinear optimization algorithms |
NonlinearOptimizerParams.cpp | Parameters for nonlinear optimization |
NonlinearOptimizerParams.h | Parameters for nonlinear optimization |
Symbol.h | |
utilities.h | |
Values-inl.h | |
Values.h | A non-templated config holding any types of Manifold-group elements |
WhiteNoiseFactor.h | Binary white noise factor |
► sam | |
BearingFactor.h | |
BearingRangeFactor.h | |
RangeFactor.h | |
► slam | |
AntiFactor.h | |
BearingFactor.h | |
BearingRangeFactor.h | |
BetweenFactor.h | |
BoundingConstraint.h | Provides partially implemented constraints to implement bounds |
dataset.cpp | Utility functions for loading datasets |
dataset.h | Utility functions for loading datasets |
EssentialMatrixConstraint.cpp | |
EssentialMatrixConstraint.h | |
EssentialMatrixFactor.h | |
expressions.h | |
GeneralSFMFactor.h | General SFM factor with an unknown calibration |
InitializePose3.h | Initialize Pose3 in a factor graph |
JacobianFactorQ.h | |
JacobianFactorQR.h | |
JacobianFactorSVD.h | |
lago.h | Initialize Pose2 in a factor graph using LAGO (Linear Approximation for Graph Optimization) |
OrientedPlane3Factor.h | |
PoseRotationPrior.h | Implements a prior on the rotation component of a pose |
PoseTranslationPrior.h | Implements a prior on the translation component of a pose |
PriorFactor.h | |
ProjectionFactor.h | Basic bearing factor from 2D measurement |
RangeFactor.h | |
ReferenceFrameFactor.h | |
RegularImplicitSchurFactor.h | A new type of linear factor (GaussianFactor), which is subclass of GaussianFactor |
RotateFactor.h | |
SmartFactorBase.h | Base class to create smart factors on poses or cameras |
SmartFactorParams.h | |
SmartProjectionFactor.h | Smart factor on cameras (pose + calibration) |
SmartProjectionPoseFactor.h | Smart factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed |
StereoFactor.h | |
TriangulationFactor.h | |
► symbolic | |
SymbolicBayesNet.cpp | |
SymbolicBayesNet.h | |
SymbolicBayesTree.h | |
SymbolicConditional.cpp | |
SymbolicConditional.h | |
SymbolicEliminationTree.cpp | |
SymbolicEliminationTree.h | |
SymbolicFactor-inst.h | |
SymbolicFactor.cpp | |
SymbolicFactor.h | |
SymbolicFactorGraph.cpp | |
SymbolicFactorGraph.h | |
SymbolicISAM.cpp | |
SymbolicISAM.h | |
SymbolicJunctionTree.cpp | |
SymbolicJunctionTree.h | |
global_includes.h | Included from all GTSAM files |
precompiled_header.cpp | We need exactly one compilation unit that includes the precompiled headers |
precompiled_header.h | > |
▼ gtsam_unstable | |
► base | |
BTree.h | Purely functional binary tree |
dllexport.h | Symbols for exporting classes and methods from DLLs |
DSF.h | An implementation of Disjoint set forests (see CLR page 446 and up) |
Dummy.h | Dummy class for testing MATLAB memory allocation |
FixedVector.h | Extension of boost's bounded_vector to allow for fixed size operation |
► discrete | |
AllDiff.h | |
BinaryAllDiff.h | |
Constraint.h | |
CSP.h | |
Domain.h | |
Scheduler.h | |
SingleValue.h | |
► dynamics | |
DynamicsPriors.h | Priors to be used with dynamic systems (Specifically PoseRTV) |
FullIMUFactor.h | Factor to express an IMU measurement between dynamic poses |
IMUFactor.h | |
Pendulum.h | Three-way factors for the pendulum dynamics as in [Stern06siggraph] for (1) explicit Euler method, (2) implicit Euler method, and (3) sympletic Euler method |
PoseRTV.cpp | |
PoseRTV.h | Pose3 with translational velocity |
SimpleHelicopter.h | |
VelocityConstraint.h | Constraint enforcing the relationship between pose and velocity |
VelocityConstraint3.h | A simple 3-way factor constraining double poses and velocity |
► linear | |
ActiveSetSolver-inl.h | Implmentation of ActiveSetSolver |
ActiveSetSolver.h | Active set method for solving LP, QP problems |
EqualityFactorGraph.h | Factor graph of all LinearEquality factors |
InequalityFactorGraph.h | Factor graph of all LinearInequality factors |
InfeasibleInitialValues.h | Exception thrown when given Infeasible Initial Values |
InfeasibleOrUnboundedProblem.h | Throw when the problem is either infeasible or unbounded |
LinearCost.h | LinearCost derived from JacobianFactor to support linear cost functions c'x |
LinearEquality.h | LinearEquality derived from Base with constrained noise model |
LinearInequality.h | LinearInequality derived from Base with constrained noise model |
LP.h | Struct used to hold a Linear Programming Problem |
LPInitSolver.h | This finds a feasible solution for an LP problem |
LPSolver.cpp | |
LPSolver.h | Policy of ActiveSetSolver to solve Linear Programming Problems |
QP.h | Factor graphs of a Quadratic Programming problem |
QPInitSolver.h | This finds a feasible solution for a QP problem |
QPSolver.cpp | |
QPSolver.h | Policy of ActiveSetSolver to solve Quadratic Programming Problems |
QPSParser.h | |
QPSParserException.h | Exception thrown if there is an error parsing a QPS file |
► nonlinear | |
BatchFixedLagSmoother.cpp | An LM-based fixed-lag smoother |
BatchFixedLagSmoother.h | An LM-based fixed-lag smoother |
ConcurrentBatchFilter.cpp | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchFilter.h | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchSmoother.cpp | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchSmoother.h | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.cpp | Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function |
ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.h | Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function |
ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.cpp | An iSAM2-based Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.h | |
ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.cpp | An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.h | An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
FixedLagSmoother.cpp | The base class for different fixed-lag smoother implementations |
FixedLagSmoother.h | Base class for a fixed-lag smoother |
IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.cpp | An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother |
IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.h | An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother |
LinearizedFactor.cpp | A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor |
LinearizedFactor.h | A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor |
NonlinearClusterTree.h | |
► slam | |
AHRS.h | |
BetweenFactorEM.h | |
BiasedGPSFactor.h | |
DummyFactor.cpp | |
DummyFactor.h | A simple factor that can be used to trick gtsam solvers into believing a graph is connected |
EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.h | Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame) |
EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel_NoBias.h | Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame), without bias state |
GaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.h | |
InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.h | Inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame) |
InvDepthFactor3.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss |
InvDepthFactorVariant1.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss |
InvDepthFactorVariant2.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss |
InvDepthFactorVariant3.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss |
Mechanization_bRn2.h | |
MultiProjectionFactor.h | |
PartialPriorFactor.h | A simple prior factor that allows for setting a prior only on a part of linear parameters |
PoseBetweenFactor.h | |
PosePriorFactor.h | |
ProjectionFactorPPP.h | Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform in addition to body pose and 3D landmark |
ProjectionFactorPPPC.h | Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform and calibration in addition to body pose and 3D landmark |
RelativeElevationFactor.cpp | |
RelativeElevationFactor.h | Factor representing a known relative altitude in global frame |
serialization.cpp | |
serialization.h | |
SmartRangeFactor.h | A smart factor for range-only SLAM that does initialization and marginalization |
SmartStereoProjectionFactor.h | Smart stereo factor on StereoCameras (pose + calibration) |
SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.h | Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed |
TOAFactor.h | "Time of Arrival" factor |
TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.h | Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots |
TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.h | Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots |
TSAMFactors.h | TSAM 1 Factors, simpler than the hierarchical TSAM 2 |
gtsam_unstable.h |