Files | |
file | BetweenFactorEM.h [code] |
file | BiasedGPSFactor.h [code] |
file | DummyFactor.cpp |
file | DummyFactor.h [code] |
A simple factor that can be used to trick gtsam solvers into believing a graph is connected. | |
file | EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.h [code] |
Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame). | |
file | EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel_NoBias.h [code] |
Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame), without bias state. | |
file | GaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.h [code] |
file | InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.h [code] |
Inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame) | |
file | InvDepthFactor3.h [code] |
Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. | |
file | InvDepthFactorVariant1.h [code] |
Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. | |
file | InvDepthFactorVariant2.h [code] |
Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. | |
file | InvDepthFactorVariant3.h [code] |
Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. | |
file | PartialPriorFactor.h [code] |
A simple prior factor that allows for setting a prior only on a part of linear parameters. | |
file | PosePriorFactor.h [code] |
file | ProjectionFactorPPP.h [code] |
Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform in addition to body pose and 3D landmark. | |
file | ProjectionFactorPPPC.h [code] |
Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform and calibration in addition to body pose and 3D landmark. | |
file | RelativeElevationFactor.cpp |
file | RelativeElevationFactor.h [code] |
Factor representing a known relative altitude in global frame. | |
file | serialization.cpp |
file | SmartRangeFactor.h [code] |
A smart factor for range-only SLAM that does initialization and marginalization. | |
file | SmartStereoProjectionFactor.h [code] |
Smart stereo factor on StereoCameras (pose + calibration) | |
file | SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.h [code] |
Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed. | |
file | TOAFactor.h [code] |
"Time of Arrival" factor | |
file | TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.h [code] |
Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots. | |
file | TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.h [code] |
Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots. | |
file | TSAMFactors.h [code] |
TSAM 1 Factors, simpler than the hierarchical TSAM 2. | |