gtsam  4.0.0
gtsam::SymbolicConditional Class Reference

Detailed Description

SymbolicConditional is a conditional with keys but no probability data, produced by symbolic elimination of SymbolicFactor.

It is also a SymbolicFactor, and thus derives from it. It derives also from Conditional<This>, which is a generic interface class for conditionals.

+ Inheritance diagram for gtsam::SymbolicConditional:

Standard Constructors

const_iterator to keys

 SymbolicConditional ()
 Empty Constructor to make serialization possible.
 SymbolicConditional (Key j)
 No parents.
 SymbolicConditional (Key j, Key parent)
 Single parent.
 SymbolicConditional (Key j, Key parent1, Key parent2)
 Two parents.
 SymbolicConditional (Key j, Key parent1, Key parent2, Key parent3)
 Three parents.
virtual ~SymbolicConditional ()
SymbolicFactor::shared_ptr clone () const
 Copy this object as its actual derived type.
template<typename ITERATOR >
static SymbolicConditional FromIterators (ITERATOR firstKey, ITERATOR lastKey, size_t nrFrontals)
 Named constructor from an arbitrary number of keys and frontals.
template<typename ITERATOR >
static SymbolicConditional::shared_ptr FromIteratorsShared (ITERATOR firstKey, ITERATOR lastKey, size_t nrFrontals)
 Named constructor from an arbitrary number of keys and frontals.
template<class CONTAINER >
static SymbolicConditional FromKeys (const CONTAINER &keys, size_t nrFrontals)
 Named constructor from an arbitrary number of keys and frontals.
template<class CONTAINER >
static SymbolicConditional::shared_ptr FromKeysShared (const CONTAINER &keys, size_t nrFrontals)
 Named constructor from an arbitrary number of keys and frontals.


void print (const std::string &str="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 Print with optional formatter.
bool equals (const This &c, double tol=1e-9) const
 Check equality.

Public Types

typedef SymbolicConditional This
typedef SymbolicFactor BaseFactor
 Typedef to this class.
typedef Conditional< BaseFactor, ThisBaseConditional
 Typedef to the factor base class.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Thisshared_ptr
 Typedef to the conditional base class.
typedef BaseFactor::iterator iterator
 Boost shared_ptr to this class.
typedef BaseFactor::const_iterator const_iterator
 iterator to keys
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::SymbolicFactor
typedef SymbolicFactor This
typedef Factor Base
typedef SymbolicConditional ConditionalType
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Thisshared_ptr
 Overriding the shared_ptr typedef.
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::Factor
typedef KeyVector::iterator iterator
 Iterator over keys.
typedef KeyVector::const_iterator const_iterator
 Const iterator over keys.
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::Conditional< SymbolicFactor, SymbolicConditional >
typedef boost::iterator_range< typename SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator > Frontals
 View of the frontal keys (call frontals())
typedef boost::iterator_range< typename SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator > Parents
 View of the separator keys (call parents())


class boost::serialization::access
 Serialization function.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::SymbolicFactor
 SymbolicFactor ()
 Default constructor for I/O.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j)
 Construct unary factor.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j1, Key j2)
 Construct binary factor.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3)
 Construct ternary factor.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3, Key j4)
 Construct 4-way factor.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3, Key j4, Key j5)
 Construct 5-way factor.
 SymbolicFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3, Key j4, Key j5, Key j6)
 Construct 6-way factor.
 SymbolicFactor (const Factor &factor)
 Create symbolic version of any factor.
virtual ~SymbolicFactor ()
SymbolicFactor::shared_ptr clone () const
 Copy this object as its actual derived type.
bool empty () const
 Whether the factor is empty (involves zero variables). More...
std::pair< boost::shared_ptr< SymbolicConditional >, boost::shared_ptr< SymbolicFactor > > eliminate (const Ordering &keys) const
 Eliminate the variables in keys, in the order specified in keys, returning a conditional and marginal. More...
bool equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
Key front () const
 First key.
Key back () const
 Last key.
const_iterator find (Key key) const
const KeyVectorkeys () const
 Access the factor's involved variable keys.
const_iterator begin () const
 Iterator at beginning of involved variable keys.
const_iterator end () const
 Iterator at end of involved variable keys.
size_t size () const
void print (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
void printKeys (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 print only keys
KeyVectorkeys ()
iterator begin ()
 Iterator at beginning of involved variable keys.
iterator end ()
 Iterator at end of involved variable keys.
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Conditional< SymbolicFactor, SymbolicConditional >
size_t nrFrontals () const
 return the number of frontals
size_t nrParents () const
 return the number of parents
Key firstFrontalKey () const
 Convenience function to get the first frontal key.
Frontals frontals () const
 return a view of the frontal keys
Parents parents () const
 return a view of the parent keys
SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator beginFrontals () const
 Iterator pointing to first frontal key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator endFrontals () const
 Iterator pointing past the last frontal key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator beginParents () const
 Iterator pointing to the first parent key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::const_iterator endParents () const
 Iterator pointing past the last parent key. More...
size_t & nrFrontals ()
 Mutable version of nrFrontals.
SymbolicFactor ::iterator beginFrontals ()
 Mutable iterator pointing to first frontal key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::iterator endFrontals ()
 Mutable iterator pointing past the last frontal key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::iterator beginParents ()
 Mutable iterator pointing to the first parent key. More...
SymbolicFactor ::iterator endParents ()
 Mutable iterator pointing past the last parent key. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::SymbolicFactor
template<typename KEYITERATOR >
static SymbolicFactor FromIterators (KEYITERATOR beginKey, KEYITERATOR endKey)
 Constructor from a collection of keys.
template<typename KEYITERATOR >
static SymbolicFactor::shared_ptr FromIteratorsShared (KEYITERATOR beginKey, KEYITERATOR endKey)
 Constructor from a collection of keys.
template<class CONTAINER >
static SymbolicFactor FromKeys (const CONTAINER &keys)
 Constructor from a collection of keys - compatible with boost::assign::list_of and boost::assign::cref_list_of.
template<class CONTAINER >
static SymbolicFactor::shared_ptr FromKeysShared (const CONTAINER &keys)
 Constructor from a collection of keys - compatible with boost::assign::list_of and boost::assign::cref_list_of.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
 Factor ()
 Default constructor for I/O.
template<typename CONTAINER >
 Factor (const CONTAINER &keys)
 Construct factor from container of keys. More...
template<typename ITERATOR >
 Factor (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last)
 Construct factor from iterator keys. More...
bool equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const
 check equality
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Conditional< SymbolicFactor, SymbolicConditional >
 Conditional ()
 Empty Constructor to make serialization possible.
 Conditional (size_t nrFrontals)
void print (const std::string &s="Conditional", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 print with optional formatter
bool equals (const This &c, double tol=1e-9) const
 check equality
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
template<typename CONTAINER >
static Factor FromKeys (const CONTAINER &keys)
 Construct factor from container of keys. More...
template<typename ITERATOR >
static Factor FromIterators (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last)
 Construct factor from iterator keys. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::Factor
KeyVector keys_
 The keys involved in this factor.
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::Conditional< SymbolicFactor, SymbolicConditional >
size_t nrFrontals_
 The first nrFrontal variables are frontal and the rest are parents. More...

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