| SymbolicBayesTree () |
| Default constructor, creates an empty Bayes tree.
bool | equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| check equality
size_t | size () const |
| number of cliques
bool | empty () const |
| Check if there are any cliques in the tree.
const Nodes & | nodes () const |
| return nodes
const sharedNode | operator[] (Key j) const |
| Access node by variable.
const Roots & | roots () const |
| return root cliques
const sharedClique & | clique (Key j) const |
| alternate syntax for matlab: find the clique that contains the variable with Key j
BayesTreeCliqueData | getCliqueData () const |
| Gather data on all cliques.
size_t | numCachedSeparatorMarginals () const |
| Collect number of cliques with cached separator marginals.
sharedConditional | marginalFactor (Key j, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| Return marginal on any variable. More...
sharedFactorGraph | joint (Key j1, Key j2, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| return joint on two variables Limitation: can only calculate joint if cliques are disjoint or one of them is root
sharedBayesNet | jointBayesNet (Key j1, Key j2, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const |
| return joint on two variables as a BayesNet Limitation: can only calculate joint if cliques are disjoint or one of them is root
void | saveGraph (const std::string &s, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| Read only with side effects. More...
Key | findParentClique (const CONTAINER &parents) const |
| Find parent clique of a conditional. More...
void | clear () |
| Remove all nodes.
void | deleteCachedShortcuts () |
| Clear all shortcut caches - use before timing on marginal calculation to avoid residual cache data.
void | removePath (sharedClique clique, BayesNetType &bn, Cliques &orphans) |
| Remove path from clique to root and return that path as factors plus a list of orphaned subtree roots. More...
void | removeTop (const KeyVector &keys, BayesNetType &bn, Cliques &orphans) |
| Given a list of indices, turn "contaminated" part of the tree back into a factor graph. More...
Cliques | removeSubtree (const sharedClique &subtree) |
| Remove the requested subtree. More...
void | insertRoot (const sharedClique &subtree) |
| Insert a new subtree with known parent clique. More...
void | addClique (const sharedClique &clique, const sharedClique &parent_clique=sharedClique()) |
| add a clique (top down)
void | addFactorsToGraph (FactorGraph< FactorType > &graph) const |
| Add all cliques in this BayesTree to the specified factor graph.
void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| print