| PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements () |
| Default constructor, only for serialization and Cython wrapper.
| PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements (const boost::shared_ptr< Params > &p, const Vector3 &biasHat) |
| Default constructor, initialize with no measurements. More...
const Params & | p () const |
const Vector3 & | biasHat () const |
const Matrix3 & | preintMeasCov () const |
void | print (const std::string &s="Preintegrated Measurements: ") const |
| print
bool | equals (const PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements &, double tol=1e-9) const |
| equals
void | resetIntegration () |
| Reset inetgrated quantities to zero.
void | integrateMeasurement (const Vector3 &measuredOmega, double deltaT) |
| Add a single Gyroscope measurement to the preintegration. More...
Vector3 | predict (const Vector3 &bias, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H=boost::none) const |
| Predict bias-corrected incremental rotation TODO: The matrix Hbias is the derivative of predict? Unit-test?
| PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements (const Vector3 &biasHat, const Matrix3 &measuredOmegaCovariance) |
| PreintegratedRotation (const boost::shared_ptr< Params > &p) |
| Default constructor, resets integration to zero.
| PreintegratedRotation (const boost::shared_ptr< Params > &p, double deltaTij, const Rot3 &deltaRij, const Matrix3 &delRdelBiasOmega) |
| Explicit initialization of all class members.
void | resetIntegration () |
| Re-initialize PreintegratedMeasurements.
bool | matchesParamsWith (const PreintegratedRotation &other) const |
| check parameters equality: checks whether shared pointer points to same Params object.
const boost::shared_ptr< Params > & | params () const |
const double & | deltaTij () const |
const Rot3 & | deltaRij () const |
const Matrix3 & | delRdelBiasOmega () const |
void | print (const std::string &s) const |
bool | equals (const PreintegratedRotation &other, double tol) const |
Rot3 | incrementalRotation (const Vector3 &measuredOmega, const Vector3 &biasHat, double deltaT, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > D_incrR_integratedOmega) const |
| Take the gyro measurement, correct it using the (constant) bias estimate and possibly the sensor pose, and then integrate it forward in time to yield an incremental rotation. More...
void | integrateMeasurement (const Vector3 &measuredOmega, const Vector3 &biasHat, double deltaT, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > D_incrR_integratedOmega=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > F=boost::none) |
| Calculate an incremental rotation given the gyro measurement and a time interval, and update both deltaTij_ and deltaRij_. More...
Rot3 | biascorrectedDeltaRij (const Vector3 &biasOmegaIncr, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H=boost::none) const |
| Return a bias corrected version of the integrated rotation, with optional Jacobian.
Vector3 | integrateCoriolis (const Rot3 &rot_i) const |
| Integrate coriolis correction in body frame rot_i.