gtsam 4.1.1
Matrix.h File Reference

typedef and functions to augment Eigen's MatrixXd More...

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struct  gtsam::Reshape< OutM, OutN, OutOptions, InM, InN, InOptions >
 Reshape functor. More...
struct  gtsam::Reshape< M, M, InOptions, M, M, InOptions >
 Reshape specialization that does nothing as shape stays the same (needed to not be ambiguous for square input equals square output) More...
struct  gtsam::Reshape< M, N, InOptions, M, N, InOptions >
 Reshape specialization that does nothing as shape stays the same. More...
struct  gtsam::Reshape< N, M, InOptions, M, N, InOptions >
 Reshape specialization that does transpose. More...
struct  gtsam::MultiplyWithInverse< N >
 Functor that implements multiplication of a vector b with the inverse of a matrix A. More...
struct  gtsam::MultiplyWithInverseFunction< T, N >
 Functor that implements multiplication with the inverse of a matrix, itself the result of a function f. More...


namespace  gtsam
 Global functions in a separate testing namespace.




typedef Eigen::MatrixXd gtsam::Matrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > gtsam::MatrixRowMajor
typedef Eigen::Block< Matrix > gtsam::SubMatrix
typedef Eigen::Block< const Matrix > gtsam::ConstSubMatrix


const Eigen::IOFormat & gtsam::matlabFormat ()
template<class MATRIX >
bool gtsam::equal_with_abs_tol (const Eigen::DenseBase< MATRIX > &A, const Eigen::DenseBase< MATRIX > &B, double tol=1e-9)
 equals with a tolerance
bool gtsam::operator== (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
 equality is just equal_with_abs_tol 1e-9
bool gtsam::operator!= (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B)
bool gtsam::assert_equal (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, double tol=1e-9)
 equals with an tolerance, prints out message if unequal
bool gtsam::assert_inequal (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, double tol=1e-9)
 inequals with an tolerance, prints out message if within tolerance
bool gtsam::assert_equal (const std::list< Matrix > &As, const std::list< Matrix > &Bs, double tol=1e-9)
 equals with an tolerance, prints out message if unequal
bool gtsam::linear_independent (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, double tol=1e-9)
 check whether the rows of two matrices are linear independent
bool gtsam::linear_dependent (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, double tol=1e-9)
 check whether the rows of two matrices are linear dependent
Vector gtsam::operator^ (const Matrix &A, const Vector &v)
 overload ^ for trans(A)*v We transpose the vectors for speed.
template<class MATRIX >
MATRIX gtsam::prod (const MATRIX &A, const MATRIX &B)
 products using old-style format to improve compatibility
void gtsam::print (const Matrix &A, const std::string &s, std::ostream &stream)
 print without optional string, must specify cout yourself
void gtsam::print (const Matrix &A, const std::string &s="")
 print with optional string to cout
void gtsam::save (const Matrix &A, const std::string &s, const std::string &filename)
 save a matrix to file, which can be loaded by matlab
istream & gtsam::operator>> (std::istream &inputStream, Matrix &destinationMatrix)
 Read a matrix from an input stream, such as a file. More...
template<class MATRIX >
Eigen::Block< const MATRIX > gtsam::sub (const MATRIX &A, size_t i1, size_t i2, size_t j1, size_t j2)
 extract submatrix, slice semantics, i.e. More...
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 >
void gtsam::insertSub (Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &fullMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived2 > &subMatrix, size_t i, size_t j)
 insert a submatrix IN PLACE at a specified location in a larger matrix NOTE: there is no size checking More...
Matrix gtsam::diag (const std::vector< Matrix > &Hs)
 Create a matrix with submatrices along its diagonal.
template<class MATRIX >
const MATRIX::ConstColXpr gtsam::column (const MATRIX &A, size_t j)
 Extracts a column view from a matrix that avoids a copy. More...
template<class MATRIX >
const MATRIX::ConstRowXpr gtsam::row (const MATRIX &A, size_t j)
 Extracts a row view from a matrix that avoids a copy. More...
template<class MATRIX >
void gtsam::zeroBelowDiagonal (MATRIX &A, size_t cols=0)
 Zeros all of the elements below the diagonal of a matrix, in place. More...
Matrix gtsam::trans (const Matrix &A)
 static transpose function, just calls Eigen transpose member function
template<int OutM, int OutN, int OutOptions, int InM, int InN, int InOptions>
Reshape< OutM, OutN, OutOptions, InM, InN, InOptions >::ReshapedType gtsam::reshape (const Eigen::Matrix< double, InM, InN, InOptions > &m)
pair< Matrix, Matrix > gtsam::qr (const Matrix &A)
 Householder QR factorization, Golub & Van Loan p 224, explicit version
void gtsam::inplace_QR (Matrix &A)
 QR factorization using Eigen's internal block QR algorithm. More...
list< boost::tuple< Vector, double, double > > gtsam::weighted_eliminate (Matrix &A, Vector &b, const Vector &sigmas)
 Imperative algorithm for in-place full elimination with weights and constraint handling. More...
void gtsam::householder_ (Matrix &A, size_t k, bool copy_vectors)
 Imperative version of Householder QR factorization, Golub & Van Loan p 224 version with Householder vectors below diagonal, as in GVL. More...
void gtsam::householder (Matrix &A, size_t k)
 Householder tranformation, zeros below diagonal. More...
Vector gtsam::backSubstituteUpper (const Matrix &U, const Vector &b, bool unit=false)
 backSubstitute U*x=b More...
Vector gtsam::backSubstituteUpper (const Vector &b, const Matrix &U, bool unit=false)
 backSubstitute x'*U=b' More...
Vector gtsam::backSubstituteLower (const Matrix &L, const Vector &b, bool unit=false)
 backSubstitute L*x=b More...
Matrix gtsam::stack (size_t nrMatrices,...)
 create a matrix by stacking other matrices Given a set of matrices: A1, A2, A3... More...
Matrix gtsam::stack (const std::vector< Matrix > &blocks)
Matrix gtsam::collect (const std::vector< const Matrix * > &matrices, size_t m=0, size_t n=0)
 create a matrix by concatenating Given a set of matrices: A1, A2, A3... If all matrices have the same size, specifying single matrix dimensions will avoid the lookup of dimensions More...
Matrix gtsam::collect (size_t nrMatrices,...)
void gtsam::vector_scale_inplace (const Vector &v, Matrix &A, bool inf_mask=false)
 scales a matrix row or column by the values in a vector Arguments (Matrix, Vector) scales the columns, (Vector, Matrix) scales the rows More...
Matrix gtsam::vector_scale (const Vector &v, const Matrix &A, bool inf_mask)
Matrix gtsam::vector_scale (const Matrix &A, const Vector &v, bool inf_mask)
Matrix3 gtsam::skewSymmetric (double wx, double wy, double wz)
 skew symmetric matrix returns this: 0 -wz wy wz 0 -wx -wy wx 0 More...
template<class Derived >
Matrix3 gtsam::skewSymmetric (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &w)
Matrix gtsam::inverse_square_root (const Matrix &A)
 Use Cholesky to calculate inverse square root of a matrix.
Matrix gtsam::cholesky_inverse (const Matrix &A)
 Return the inverse of a S.P.D. More...
void gtsam::svd (const Matrix &A, Matrix &U, Vector &S, Matrix &V)
 SVD computes economy SVD A=U*S*V'. More...
boost::tuple< int, double, Vector > gtsam::DLT (const Matrix &A, double rank_tol=1e-9)
 Direct linear transform algorithm that calls svd to find a vector v that minimizes the algebraic error A*v. More...
Matrix gtsam::expm (const Matrix &A, size_t K=7)
 Numerical exponential map, naive approach, not industrial strength !!! More...
std::string gtsam::formatMatrixIndented (const std::string &label, const Matrix &matrix, bool makeVectorHorizontal)
Matrix gtsam::LLt (const Matrix &A)
Matrix gtsam::RtR (const Matrix &A)
Vector gtsam::columnNormSquare (const Matrix &A)
template<class Archive , typename Scalar_ , int Rows_, int Cols_, int Ops_, int MaxRows_, int MaxCols_>
void boost::serialization::save (Archive &ar, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_ > &m, const unsigned int)
 Ref. More...
template<class Archive , typename Scalar_ , int Rows_, int Cols_, int Ops_, int MaxRows_, int MaxCols_>
void boost::serialization::load (Archive &ar, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_ > &m, const unsigned int)
template<class Archive , typename Scalar_ , int Rows_, int Cols_, int Ops_, int MaxRows_, int MaxCols_>
void boost::serialization::serialize (Archive &ar, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_ > &m, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize (Archive &ar, gtsam::Matrix &m, const unsigned int version)

Detailed Description

typedef and functions to augment Eigen's MatrixXd

Christian Potthast
Kai Ni
Frank Dellaert
Alex Cunningham
Alex Hagiopol
Varun Agrawal

Macro Definition Documentation


using Matrix##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, N, N>; \
using Matrix1##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, N>; \
using Matrix2##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, N>; \
using Matrix3##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, N>; \
using Matrix4##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, N>; \
using Matrix5##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, N>; \
using Matrix6##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, N>; \
using Matrix7##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, N>; \
using Matrix8##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 8, N>; \
using Matrix9##N = Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, N>; \
static const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix##N>::IdentityReturnType I_##N##x##N = Matrix##N::Identity(); \
static const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix##N>::ConstantReturnType Z_##N##x##N = Matrix##N::Zero();

Function Documentation

◆ save()

template<class Archive , typename Scalar_ , int Rows_, int Cols_, int Ops_, int MaxRows_, int MaxCols_>
void boost::serialization::save ( Archive &  ar,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_ > &  m,
const unsigned int   


Eigen supports calling resize() on both static and dynamic matrices. This allows for a uniform API, with resize having no effect if the static matrix is already the correct size.

We use all the Matrix template parameters to ensure wide compatibility.

eigen_typekit in ROS uses the same code