gtsam 4.1.1
1/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4 * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5 * All Rights Reserved
6 * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8 * See LICENSE for the license information
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20#pragma once
23#include <gtsam/base/Testable.h>
25#include <boost/format.hpp>
26#include <boost/optional.hpp>
27#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
28#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp>
29using boost::assign::operator+=;
30#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
31#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
33#include <list>
34#include <cmath>
35#include <fstream>
36#include <sstream>
38namespace gtsam {
40 /*********************************************************************************/
41 // Node
42 /*********************************************************************************/
44 template<typename L, typename Y>
45 int DecisionTree<L, Y>::Node::nrNodes = 0;
48 /*********************************************************************************/
49 // Leaf
50 /*********************************************************************************/
51 template<typename L, typename Y>
52 class DecisionTree<L, Y>::Leaf: public DecisionTree<L, Y>::Node {
55 Y constant_;
57 public:
60 Leaf(const Y& constant) :
61 constant_(constant) {}
64 const Y& constant() const {
65 return constant_;
66 }
69 bool sameLeaf(const Leaf& q) const override {
70 return constant_ == q.constant_;
71 }
74 bool sameLeaf(const Node& q) const override {
75 return (q.isLeaf() && q.sameLeaf(*this));
76 }
79 bool equals(const Node& q, double tol) const override {
80 const Leaf* other = dynamic_cast<const Leaf*> (&q);
81 if (!other) return false;
82 return std::abs(double(this->constant_ - other->constant_)) < tol;
83 }
86 void print(const std::string& s) const override {
87 bool showZero = true;
88 if (showZero || constant_) std::cout << s << " Leaf " << constant_ << std::endl;
89 }
92 void dot(std::ostream& os, bool showZero) const override {
93 if (showZero || constant_) os << "\"" << this->id() << "\" [label=\""
94 << boost::format("%4.2g") % constant_
95 << "\", shape=box, rank=sink, height=0.35, fixedsize=true]\n"; // width=0.55,
96 }
99 const Y& operator()(const Assignment<L>& x) const override {
100 return constant_;
101 }
104 NodePtr apply(const Unary& op) const override {
105 NodePtr f(new Leaf(op(constant_)));
106 return f;
109 // Apply binary operator "h = f op g" on Leaf node
110 // Note op is not assumed commutative so we need to keep track of order
111 // Simply calls apply on argument to call correct virtual method:
112 // fL.apply_f_op_g(gL) -> gL.apply_g_op_fL(fL) (below)
113 // fL.apply_f_op_g(gC) -> gC.apply_g_op_fL(fL) (Choice)
114 NodePtr apply_f_op_g(const Node& g, const Binary& op) const override {
115 return g.apply_g_op_fL(*this, op);
116 }
118 // Applying binary operator to two leaves results in a leaf
119 NodePtr apply_g_op_fL(const Leaf& fL, const Binary& op) const override {
120 NodePtr h(new Leaf(op(fL.constant_, constant_))); // fL op gL
121 return h;
122 }
124 // If second argument is a Choice node, call it's apply with leaf as second
125 NodePtr apply_g_op_fC(const Choice& fC, const Binary& op) const override {
126 return fC.apply_fC_op_gL(*this, op); // operand order back to normal
127 }
130 NodePtr choose(const L& label, size_t index) const override {
131 return NodePtr(new Leaf(constant()));
134 bool isLeaf() const override { return true; }
136 }; // Leaf
138 /*********************************************************************************/
139 // Choice
140 /*********************************************************************************/
141 template<typename L, typename Y>
142 class DecisionTree<L, Y>::Choice: public DecisionTree<L, Y>::Node {
145 L label_;
148 std::vector<NodePtr> branches_;
150 private:
152 size_t allSame_;
154 typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Choice> ChoicePtr;
156 public:
158 ~Choice() override {
160 std::std::cout << Node::nrNodes << " destructing (Choice) " << this->id() << std::std::endl;
162 }
165 static NodePtr Unique(const ChoicePtr& f) {
166#ifndef DT_NO_PRUNING
167 if (f->allSame_) {
168 assert(f->branches().size() > 0);
169 NodePtr f0 = f->branches_[0];
170 assert(f0->isLeaf());
171 NodePtr newLeaf(new Leaf(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Leaf>(f0)->constant()));
172 return newLeaf;
173 } else
175 return f;
176 }
178 bool isLeaf() const override { return false; }
181 Choice(const L& label, size_t count) :
182 label_(label), allSame_(true) {
183 branches_.reserve(count);
184 }
189 Choice(const Choice& f, const Choice& g, const Binary& op) :
190 allSame_(true) {
192 // Choose what to do based on label
193 if (f.label() > g.label()) {
194 // f higher than g
195 label_ = f.label();
196 size_t count = f.nrChoices();
197 branches_.reserve(count);
198 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
199 push_back(f.branches_[i]->apply_f_op_g(g, op));
200 } else if (g.label() > f.label()) {
201 // f lower than g
202 label_ = g.label();
203 size_t count = g.nrChoices();
204 branches_.reserve(count);
205 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
206 push_back(g.branches_[i]->apply_g_op_fC(f, op));
207 } else {
208 // f same level as g
209 label_ = f.label();
210 size_t count = f.nrChoices();
211 branches_.reserve(count);
212 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
213 push_back(f.branches_[i]->apply_f_op_g(*g.branches_[i], op));
214 }
215 }
217 const L& label() const {
218 return label_;
219 }
221 size_t nrChoices() const {
222 return branches_.size();
223 }
225 const std::vector<NodePtr>& branches() const {
226 return branches_;
227 }
230 void push_back(const NodePtr& node) {
231 // allSame_ is restricted to leaf nodes in a decision tree
232 if (allSame_ && !branches_.empty()) {
233 allSame_ = node->sameLeaf(*branches_.back());
234 }
235 branches_.push_back(node);
236 }
239 void print(const std::string& s) const override {
240 std::cout << s << " Choice(";
241 // std::cout << this << ",";
242 std::cout << label_ << ") " << std::endl;
243 for (size_t i = 0; i < branches_.size(); i++)
244 branches_[i]->print((boost::format("%s %d") % s % i).str());
245 }
248 void dot(std::ostream& os, bool showZero) const override {
249 os << "\"" << this->id() << "\" [shape=circle, label=\"" << label_
250 << "\"]\n";
251 for (size_t i = 0; i < branches_.size(); i++) {
252 NodePtr branch = branches_[i];
254 // Check if zero
255 if (!showZero) {
256 const Leaf* leaf = dynamic_cast<const Leaf*> (branch.get());
257 if (leaf && !leaf->constant()) continue;
258 }
260 os << "\"" << this->id() << "\" -> \"" << branch->id() << "\"";
261 if (i == 0) os << " [style=dashed]";
262 if (i > 1) os << " [style=bold]";
263 os << std::endl;
264 branch->dot(os, showZero);
265 }
266 }
269 bool sameLeaf(const Leaf& q) const override {
270 return false;
271 }
274 bool sameLeaf(const Node& q) const override {
275 return (q.isLeaf() && q.sameLeaf(*this));
276 }
279 bool equals(const Node& q, double tol) const override {
280 const Choice* other = dynamic_cast<const Choice*> (&q);
281 if (!other) return false;
282 if (this->label_ != other->label_) return false;
283 if (branches_.size() != other->branches_.size()) return false;
284 // we don't care about shared pointers being equal here
285 for (size_t i = 0; i < branches_.size(); i++)
286 if (!(branches_[i]->equals(*(other->branches_[i]), tol))) return false;
287 return true;
288 }
291 const Y& operator()(const Assignment<L>& x) const override {
292#ifndef NDEBUG
293 typename Assignment<L>::const_iterator it = x.find(label_);
294 if (it == x.end()) {
295 std::cout << "Trying to find value for " << label_ << std::endl;
296 throw std::invalid_argument(
297 "DecisionTree::operator(): value undefined for a label");
298 }
300 size_t index =;
301 NodePtr child = branches_[index];
302 return (*child)(x);
303 }
308 Choice(const L& label, const Choice& f, const Unary& op) :
309 label_(label), allSame_(true) {
311 branches_.reserve(f.branches_.size()); // reserve space
312 for (const NodePtr& branch: f.branches_)
313 push_back(branch->apply(op));
314 }
317 NodePtr apply(const Unary& op) const override {
318 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> r(new Choice(label_, *this, op));
319 return Unique(r);
320 }
322 // Apply binary operator "h = f op g" on Choice node
323 // Note op is not assumed commutative so we need to keep track of order
324 // Simply calls apply on argument to call correct virtual method:
325 // fC.apply_f_op_g(gL) -> gL.apply_g_op_fC(fC) -> (Leaf)
326 // fC.apply_f_op_g(gC) -> gC.apply_g_op_fC(fC) -> (below)
327 NodePtr apply_f_op_g(const Node& g, const Binary& op) const override {
328 return g.apply_g_op_fC(*this, op);
329 }
331 // If second argument of binary op is Leaf node, recurse on branches
332 NodePtr apply_g_op_fL(const Leaf& fL, const Binary& op) const override {
333 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> h(new Choice(label(), nrChoices()));
334 for(NodePtr branch: branches_)
335 h->push_back(fL.apply_f_op_g(*branch, op));
336 return Unique(h);
337 }
339 // If second argument of binary op is Choice, call constructor
340 NodePtr apply_g_op_fC(const Choice& fC, const Binary& op) const override {
341 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> h(new Choice(fC, *this, op));
342 return Unique(h);
343 }
345 // If second argument of binary op is Leaf
346 template<typename OP>
347 NodePtr apply_fC_op_gL(const Leaf& gL, OP op) const {
348 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> h(new Choice(label(), nrChoices()));
349 for(const NodePtr& branch: branches_)
350 h->push_back(branch->apply_f_op_g(gL, op));
351 return Unique(h);
352 }
355 NodePtr choose(const L& label, size_t index) const override {
356 if (label_ == label)
357 return branches_[index]; // choose branch
359 // second case, not label of interest, just recurse
360 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> r(new Choice(label_, branches_.size()));
361 for(const NodePtr& branch: branches_)
362 r->push_back(branch->choose(label, index));
363 return Unique(r);
364 }
366 }; // Choice
368 /*********************************************************************************/
369 // DecisionTree
370 /*********************************************************************************/
371 template<typename L, typename Y>
373 }
375 template<typename L, typename Y>
376 DecisionTree<L, Y>::DecisionTree(const NodePtr& root) :
377 root_(root) {
378 }
380 /*********************************************************************************/
381 template<typename L, typename Y>
383 root_ = NodePtr(new Leaf(y));
384 }
386 /*********************************************************************************/
387 template<typename L, typename Y>
389 const L& label, const Y& y1, const Y& y2) {
390 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> a(new Choice(label, 2));
391 NodePtr l1(new Leaf(y1)), l2(new Leaf(y2));
392 a->push_back(l1);
393 a->push_back(l2);
394 root_ = Choice::Unique(a);
395 }
397 /*********************************************************************************/
398 template<typename L, typename Y>
400 const LabelC& labelC, const Y& y1, const Y& y2) {
401 if (labelC.second != 2) throw std::invalid_argument(
402 "DecisionTree: binary constructor called with non-binary label");
403 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> a(new Choice(labelC.first, 2));
404 NodePtr l1(new Leaf(y1)), l2(new Leaf(y2));
405 a->push_back(l1);
406 a->push_back(l2);
407 root_ = Choice::Unique(a);
408 }
410 /*********************************************************************************/
411 template<typename L, typename Y>
412 DecisionTree<L, Y>::DecisionTree(const std::vector<LabelC>& labelCs,
413 const std::vector<Y>& ys) {
414 // call recursive Create
415 root_ = create(labelCs.begin(), labelCs.end(), ys.begin(), ys.end());
416 }
418 /*********************************************************************************/
419 template<typename L, typename Y>
420 DecisionTree<L, Y>::DecisionTree(const std::vector<LabelC>& labelCs,
421 const std::string& table) {
423 // Convert std::string to values of type Y
424 std::vector<Y> ys;
425 std::istringstream iss(table);
426 copy(std::istream_iterator<Y>(iss), std::istream_iterator<Y>(),
427 back_inserter(ys));
429 // now call recursive Create
430 root_ = create(labelCs.begin(), labelCs.end(), ys.begin(), ys.end());
431 }
433 /*********************************************************************************/
434 template<typename L, typename Y>
435 template<typename Iterator> DecisionTree<L, Y>::DecisionTree(
436 Iterator begin, Iterator end, const L& label) {
437 root_ = compose(begin, end, label);
438 }
440 /*********************************************************************************/
441 template<typename L, typename Y>
443 const DecisionTree& f0, const DecisionTree& f1) {
444 std::vector<DecisionTree> functions;
445 functions += f0, f1;
446 root_ = compose(functions.begin(), functions.end(), label);
447 }
449 /*********************************************************************************/
450 template<typename L, typename Y>
451 template<typename M, typename X>
453 const std::map<M, L>& map, std::function<Y(const X&)> op) {
454 root_ = convert(other.root_, map, op);
455 }
457 /*********************************************************************************/
458 // Called by two constructors above.
459 // Takes a label and a corresponding range of decision trees, and creates a new
460 // decision tree. However, the order of the labels needs to be respected, so we
461 // cannot just create a root Choice node on the label: if the label is not the
462 // highest label, we need to do a complicated and expensive recursive call.
463 template<typename L, typename Y> template<typename Iterator>
465 Iterator end, const L& label) const {
467 // find highest label among branches
468 boost::optional<L> highestLabel;
469 size_t nrChoices = 0;
470 for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
471 if (it->root_->isLeaf())
472 continue;
473 boost::shared_ptr<const Choice> c =
474 boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Choice>(it->root_);
475 if (!highestLabel || c->label() > *highestLabel) {
476 highestLabel.reset(c->label());
477 nrChoices = c->nrChoices();
478 }
479 }
481 // if label is already in correct order, just put together a choice on label
482 if (!nrChoices || !highestLabel || label > *highestLabel) {
483 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> choiceOnLabel(new Choice(label, end - begin));
484 for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; it++)
485 choiceOnLabel->push_back(it->root_);
486 return Choice::Unique(choiceOnLabel);
487 } else {
488 // Set up a new choice on the highest label
489 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> choiceOnHighestLabel(new Choice(*highestLabel, nrChoices));
490 // now, for all possible values of highestLabel
491 for (size_t index = 0; index < nrChoices; index++) {
492 // make a new set of functions for composing by iterating over the given
493 // functions, and selecting the appropriate branch.
494 std::vector<DecisionTree> functions;
495 for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
496 // by restricting the input functions to value i for labelBelow
497 DecisionTree chosen = it->choose(*highestLabel, index);
498 functions.push_back(chosen);
499 }
500 // We then recurse, for all values of the highest label
501 NodePtr fi = compose(functions.begin(), functions.end(), label);
502 choiceOnHighestLabel->push_back(fi);
503 }
504 return Choice::Unique(choiceOnHighestLabel);
505 }
506 }
508 /*********************************************************************************/
509 // "create" is a bit of a complicated thing, but very useful.
510 // It takes a range of labels and a corresponding range of values,
511 // and creates a decision tree, as follows:
512 // - if there is only one label, creates a choice node with values in leaves
513 // - otherwise, it evenly splits up the range of values and creates a tree for
514 // each sub-range, and assigns that tree to first label's choices
515 // Example:
516 // create([B A],[1 2 3 4]) would call
517 // create([A],[1 2])
518 // create([A],[3 4])
519 // and produce
520 // B=0
521 // A=0: 1
522 // A=1: 2
523 // B=1
524 // A=0: 3
525 // A=1: 4
526 // Note, through the magic of "compose", create([A B],[1 2 3 4]) will produce
527 // exactly the same tree as above: the highest label is always the root.
528 // However, it will be *way* faster if labels are given highest to lowest.
529 template<typename L, typename Y>
530 template<typename It, typename ValueIt>
532 It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY) const {
534 // get crucial counts
535 size_t nrChoices = begin->second;
536 size_t size = endY - beginY;
538 // Find the next key to work on
539 It labelC = begin + 1;
540 if (labelC == end) {
541 // Base case: only one key left
542 // Create a simple choice node with values as leaves.
543 if (size != nrChoices) {
544 std::cout << "Trying to create DD on " << begin->first << std::endl;
545 std::cout << boost::format("DecisionTree::create: expected %d values but got %d instead") % nrChoices % size << std::endl;
546 throw std::invalid_argument("DecisionTree::create invalid argument");
547 }
548 boost::shared_ptr<Choice> choice(new Choice(begin->first, endY - beginY));
549 for (ValueIt y = beginY; y != endY; y++)
550 choice->push_back(NodePtr(new Leaf(*y)));
551 return Choice::Unique(choice);
552 }
554 // Recursive case: perform "Shannon expansion"
555 // Creates one tree (i.e.,function) for each choice of current key
556 // by calling create recursively, and then puts them all together.
557 std::vector<DecisionTree> functions;
558 size_t split = size / nrChoices;
559 for (size_t i = 0; i < nrChoices; i++, beginY += split) {
560 NodePtr f = create<It, ValueIt>(labelC, end, beginY, beginY + split);
561 functions += DecisionTree(f);
562 }
563 return compose(functions.begin(), functions.end(), begin->first);
564 }
566 /*********************************************************************************/
567 template<typename L, typename Y>
568 template<typename M, typename X>
570 const typename DecisionTree<M, X>::NodePtr& f, const std::map<M, L>& map,
571 std::function<Y(const X&)> op) {
573 typedef DecisionTree<M, X> MX;
574 typedef typename MX::Leaf MXLeaf;
575 typedef typename MX::Choice MXChoice;
576 typedef typename MX::NodePtr MXNodePtr;
577 typedef DecisionTree<L, Y> LY;
579 // ugliness below because apparently we can't have templated virtual functions
580 // If leaf, apply unary conversion "op" and create a unique leaf
581 const MXLeaf* leaf = dynamic_cast<const MXLeaf*> (f.get());
582 if (leaf) return NodePtr(new Leaf(op(leaf->constant())));
584 // Check if Choice
585 boost::shared_ptr<const MXChoice> choice = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MXChoice> (f);
586 if (!choice) throw std::invalid_argument(
587 "DecisionTree::Convert: Invalid NodePtr");
589 // get new label
590 M oldLabel = choice->label();
591 L newLabel =;
593 // put together via Shannon expansion otherwise not sorted.
594 std::vector<LY> functions;
595 for(const MXNodePtr& branch: choice->branches()) {
596 LY converted(convert<M, X>(branch, map, op));
597 functions += converted;
598 }
599 return LY::compose(functions.begin(), functions.end(), newLabel);
600 }
602 /*********************************************************************************/
603 template<typename L, typename Y>
604 bool DecisionTree<L, Y>::equals(const DecisionTree& other, double tol) const {
605 return root_->equals(*other.root_, tol);
606 }
608 template<typename L, typename Y>
609 void DecisionTree<L, Y>::print(const std::string& s) const {
610 root_->print(s);
611 }
613 template<typename L, typename Y>
615 return root_->equals(*other.root_);
616 }
618 template<typename L, typename Y>
620 return root_->operator ()(x);
621 }
623 template<typename L, typename Y>
625 return DecisionTree(root_->apply(op));
626 }
628 /*********************************************************************************/
629 template<typename L, typename Y>
631 const Binary& op) const {
632 // apply the operaton on the root of both diagrams
633 NodePtr h = root_->apply_f_op_g(*g.root_, op);
634 // create a new class with the resulting root "h"
635 DecisionTree result(h);
636 return result;
637 }
639 /*********************************************************************************/
640 // The way this works:
641 // We have an ADT, picture it as a tree.
642 // At a certain depth, we have a branch on "label".
643 // The function "choose(label,index)" will return a tree of one less depth,
644 // where there is no more branch on "label": only the subtree under that
645 // branch point corresponding to the value "index" is left instead.
646 // The function below get all these smaller trees and "ops" them together.
647 // This implements marginalization in Darwiche09book, pg 330
648 template<typename L, typename Y>
650 size_t cardinality, const Binary& op) const {
651 DecisionTree result = choose(label, 0);
652 for (size_t index = 1; index < cardinality; index++) {
653 DecisionTree chosen = choose(label, index);
654 result = result.apply(chosen, op);
655 }
656 return result;
657 }
659 /*********************************************************************************/
660 template<typename L, typename Y>
661 void DecisionTree<L, Y>::dot(std::ostream& os, bool showZero) const {
662 os << "digraph G {\n";
663 root_->dot(os, showZero);
664 os << " [ordering=out]}" << std::endl;
665 }
667 template<typename L, typename Y>
668 void DecisionTree<L, Y>::dot(const std::string& name, bool showZero) const {
669 std::ofstream os((name + ".dot").c_str());
670 dot(os, showZero);
671 int result = system(
672 ("dot -Tpdf " + name + ".dot -o " + name + ".pdf >& /dev/null").c_str());
673 if (result==-1) throw std::runtime_error("DecisionTree::dot system call failed");
678} // namespace gtsam
Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests.
Decision Tree for use in DiscreteFactors.
Global functions in a separate testing namespace.
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
void split(const G &g, const PredecessorMap< KEY > &tree, G &Ab1, G &Ab2)
Split the graph into two parts: one corresponds to the given spanning tree, and the other corresponds...
Definition: graph-inl.h:255
double dot(const V1 &a, const V2 &b)
Dot product.
Definition: Vector.h:194
Template to create a binary predicate.
Definition: Testable.h:111
An assignment from labels to value index (size_t).
Definition: Assignment.h:34
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:52
NodePtr choose(const L &label, size_t index) const override
choose a branch, create new memory !
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:130
bool equals(const Node &q, double tol) const override
equality up to tolerance
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:79
NodePtr apply(const Unary &op) const override
apply unary operator
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:104
void print(const std::string &s) const override
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:86
Leaf(const Y &constant)
Constructor from constant.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:60
bool sameLeaf(const Leaf &q) const override
Leaf-Leaf equality.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:69
void dot(std::ostream &os, bool showZero) const override
to graphviz file
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:92
bool sameLeaf(const Node &q) const override
polymorphic equality: is q is a leaf, could be
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:74
const Y & constant() const
return the constant
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:64
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:142
NodePtr apply(const Unary &op) const override
apply unary operator
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:317
bool equals(const Node &q, double tol) const override
equality up to tolerance
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:279
void print(const std::string &s) const override
print (as a tree)
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:239
bool sameLeaf(const Node &q) const override
polymorphic equality: if q is a leaf, could be...
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:274
Choice(const Choice &f, const Choice &g, const Binary &op)
Construct from applying binary op to two Choice nodes.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:189
void push_back(const NodePtr &node)
add a branch: TODO merge into constructor
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:230
void dot(std::ostream &os, bool showZero) const override
output to graphviz (as a a graph)
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:248
Choice(const L &label, size_t count)
Constructor, given choice label and mandatory expected branch count.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:181
NodePtr choose(const L &label, size_t index) const override
choose a branch, recursively
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:355
Choice(const L &label, const Choice &f, const Unary &op)
Construct from applying unary op to a Choice node.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:308
bool sameLeaf(const Leaf &q) const override
Choice-Leaf equality: always false.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:269
static NodePtr Unique(const ChoicePtr &f)
If all branches of a choice node f are the same, just return a branch.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:165
Decision Tree L = label for variables Y = function range (any algebra), e.g., bool,...
Definition: DecisionTree.h:38
DecisionTree apply(const Unary &op) const
apply Unary operation "op" to f
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:624
NodePtr create(It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY) const
Internal recursive function to create from keys, cardinalities, and Y values.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:531
void dot(std::ostream &os, bool showZero=true) const
output to graphviz format, stream version
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:661
std::pair< L, size_t > LabelC
A label annotated with cardinality.
Definition: DecisionTree.h:47
NodePtr convert(const typename DecisionTree< M, X >::NodePtr &f, const std::map< M, L > &map, std::function< Y(const X &)> op)
Convert to a different type.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:569
DecisionTree combine(const L &label, size_t cardinality, const Binary &op) const
combine subtrees on key with binary operation "op"
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:649
const Y & operator()(const Assignment< L > &x) const
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:619
Node::Ptr NodePtr
---------------------— Node base class ------------------------—
Definition: DecisionTree.h:98
bool operator==(const DecisionTree &q) const
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:614
void print(const std::string &s="DecisionTree") const
GTSAM-style print.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:609
Default constructor.
Definition: DecisionTree-inl.h:372
std::function< Y(const Y &)> Unary
Handy typedefs for unary and binary function types.
Definition: DecisionTree.h:43
---------------------— Node base class ------------------------—
Definition: DecisionTree.h:54