gtsam 4.1.1
gtsam::Pose3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for gtsam::Pose3, including all inherited members.

adjoint(const Vector6 &xi, const Vector6 &y, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hxi=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_y=boost::none)gtsam::Pose3static
Adjoint(const Vector6 &xi_b, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_this=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_xib=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
adjoint_(const Vector6 &xi, const Vector6 &y) (defined in gtsam::Pose3)gtsam::Pose3inlinestatic
AdjointMap() constgtsam::Pose3
adjointMap(const Vector6 &xi)gtsam::Pose3static
adjointMap_(const Vector6 &xi) (defined in gtsam::Pose3)gtsam::Pose3inlinestatic
adjointTranspose(const Vector6 &xi, const Vector6 &y, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hxi=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_y=boost::none)gtsam::Pose3static
AdjointTranspose(const Vector6 &x, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_this=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > H_x=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
Align(const std::vector< Point3Pair > &abPointPairs)gtsam::Pose3static
bearing(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Hpoint=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
bearing(const Pose3 &pose, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Hpose=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
ComputeQforExpmapDerivative(const Vector6 &xi, double nearZeroThreshold=1e-5)gtsam::Pose3static
Create(const Rot3 &R, const Point3 &t, OptionalJacobian< 6, 3 > HR=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 3 > Ht=boost::none)gtsam::Pose3static
equals(const Pose3 &pose, double tol=1e-9) constgtsam::Pose3
Expmap(const Vector6 &xi, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hxi=boost::none)gtsam::Pose3static
expmap(const TangentVector &v) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
expmap(const TangentVector &v, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
ExpmapDerivative(const Vector6 &xi)gtsam::Pose3static
interpolateRt(const Pose3 &T, double t) constgtsam::Pose3inline
inverse() constgtsam::Pose3
localCoordinates(const Pose3 &g) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
localCoordinates(const Pose3 &g, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
LocalCoordinates(const Pose3 &g)gtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inlinestatic
LocalCoordinates(const Pose3 &g, ChartJacobian H)gtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inlinestatic
logmap(const Pose3 &g) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
logmap(const Pose3 &g, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
Logmap(const Pose3 &pose, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hpose=boost::none)gtsam::Pose3static
LogmapDerivative(const Pose3 &xi)gtsam::Pose3static
matrix() constgtsam::Pose3
operator*(const Pose3 &T) constgtsam::Pose3inline
operator*(const Point3 &point) constgtsam::Pose3inline
Pose3(const Pose3 &pose)gtsam::Pose3inline
Pose3(const Rot3 &R, const Point3 &t)gtsam::Pose3inline
Pose3(const Pose2 &pose2)gtsam::Pose3explicit
Pose3(const Matrix &T)gtsam::Pose3inline
print(const std::string &s="") constgtsam::Pose3
range(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 1, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > Hpoint=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
range(const Pose3 &pose, OptionalJacobian< 1, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 1, 6 > Hpose=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
Retract(const TangentVector &v)gtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inlinestatic
Retract(const TangentVector &v, ChartJacobian H)gtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inlinestatic
retract(const TangentVector &v) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
retract(const TangentVector &v, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) constgtsam::LieGroup< Pose3, 6 >inline
Rotation typedefgtsam::Pose3
rotation(OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > Hself=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
transformFrom(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > Hpoint=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
transformPoseFrom(const Pose3 &aTb, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > HaTb=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
transformPoseTo(const Pose3 &wTb, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 6, 6 > HwTb=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
transformTo(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > Hself=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > Hpoint=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
translation(OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > Hself=boost::none) constgtsam::Pose3
Translation typedef (defined in gtsam::Pose3)gtsam::Pose3
wedge(double wx, double wy, double wz, double vx, double vy, double vz)gtsam::Pose3inlinestatic
x() constgtsam::Pose3inline
y() constgtsam::Pose3inline
z() constgtsam::Pose3inline