gtsam 4.1.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4 * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5 * All Rights Reserved
6 * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8 * See LICENSE for the license information
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18// \callgraph
20#pragma once
24#include <boost/variant.hpp>
25#include <string>
27namespace gtsam {
35struct GTSAM_EXPORT ISAM2GaussNewtonParams {
36 double
42 double _wildfireThreshold =
43 0.001
45 )
46 : wildfireThreshold(_wildfireThreshold) {}
48 void print(const std::string str = "") const {
49 using std::cout;
50 cout << str << "type: ISAM2GaussNewtonParams\n";
51 cout << str << "wildfireThreshold: " << wildfireThreshold << "\n";
52 cout.flush();
53 }
55 double getWildfireThreshold() const { return wildfireThreshold; }
56 void setWildfireThreshold(double wildfireThreshold) {
57 this->wildfireThreshold = wildfireThreshold;
58 }
67struct GTSAM_EXPORT ISAM2DoglegParams {
68 double initialDelta;
69 double
75 bool
80 double _initialDelta = 1.0,
81 double _wildfireThreshold =
82 1e-5,
86 bool _verbose = false
87 )
88 : initialDelta(_initialDelta),
89 wildfireThreshold(_wildfireThreshold),
90 adaptationMode(_adaptationMode),
91 verbose(_verbose) {}
93 void print(const std::string str = "") const {
94 using std::cout;
95 cout << str << "type: ISAM2DoglegParams\n";
96 cout << str << "initialDelta: " << initialDelta << "\n";
97 cout << str << "wildfireThreshold: " << wildfireThreshold << "\n";
98 cout << str
99 << "adaptationMode: " << adaptationModeTranslator(adaptationMode)
100 << "\n";
101 cout.flush();
102 }
104 double getInitialDelta() const { return initialDelta; }
105 double getWildfireThreshold() const { return wildfireThreshold; }
106 std::string getAdaptationMode() const {
107 return adaptationModeTranslator(adaptationMode);
108 }
109 bool isVerbose() const { return verbose; }
110 void setInitialDelta(double initialDelta) {
111 this->initialDelta = initialDelta;
112 }
113 void setWildfireThreshold(double wildfireThreshold) {
114 this->wildfireThreshold = wildfireThreshold;
115 }
116 void setAdaptationMode(const std::string& adaptationMode) {
117 this->adaptationMode = adaptationModeTranslator(adaptationMode);
118 }
119 void setVerbose(bool verbose) { this->verbose = verbose; }
121 std::string adaptationModeTranslator(
123 const;
124 DoglegOptimizerImpl::TrustRegionAdaptationMode adaptationModeTranslator(
125 const std::string& adaptationMode) const;
133typedef FastMap<char, Vector> ISAM2ThresholdMap;
134typedef ISAM2ThresholdMap::value_type ISAM2ThresholdMapValue;
135struct GTSAM_EXPORT ISAM2Params {
136 typedef boost::variant<ISAM2GaussNewtonParams, ISAM2DoglegParams>
139 typedef boost::variant<double, FastMap<char, Vector> >
181 enum Factorization { CHOLESKY, QR };
193 Factorization factorization;
231 RelinearizationThreshold _relinearizeThreshold = 0.1,
232 int _relinearizeSkip = 10, bool _enableRelinearization = true,
233 bool _evaluateNonlinearError = false,
234 Factorization _factorization = ISAM2Params::CHOLESKY,
235 bool _cacheLinearizedFactors = true,
236 const KeyFormatter& _keyFormatter =
237 DefaultKeyFormatter,
238 bool _enableDetailedResults = false)
239 : optimizationParams(_optimizationParams),
240 relinearizeThreshold(_relinearizeThreshold),
241 relinearizeSkip(_relinearizeSkip),
242 enableRelinearization(_enableRelinearization),
243 evaluateNonlinearError(_evaluateNonlinearError),
244 factorization(_factorization),
245 cacheLinearizedFactors(_cacheLinearizedFactors),
246 keyFormatter(_keyFormatter),
247 enableDetailedResults(_enableDetailedResults),
248 enablePartialRelinearizationCheck(false),
249 findUnusedFactorSlots(false) {}
252 void print(const std::string& str = "") const {
253 using std::cout;
254 cout << str << "\n";
256 static const std::string kStr("optimizationParams: ");
257 if (optimizationParams.type() == typeid(ISAM2GaussNewtonParams))
258 boost::get<ISAM2GaussNewtonParams>(optimizationParams).print();
259 else if (optimizationParams.type() == typeid(ISAM2DoglegParams))
260 boost::get<ISAM2DoglegParams>(optimizationParams).print(kStr);
261 else
262 cout << kStr << "{unknown type}\n";
264 cout << "relinearizeThreshold: ";
265 if (relinearizeThreshold.type() == typeid(double)) {
266 cout << boost::get<double>(relinearizeThreshold) << "\n";
267 } else {
268 cout << "{mapped}\n";
269 for (const ISAM2ThresholdMapValue& value :
270 boost::get<ISAM2ThresholdMap>(relinearizeThreshold)) {
271 cout << " '" << value.first
272 << "' -> [" << value.second.transpose() << " ]\n";
273 }
274 }
276 cout << "relinearizeSkip: " << relinearizeSkip << "\n";
277 cout << "enableRelinearization: " << enableRelinearization
278 << "\n";
279 cout << "evaluateNonlinearError: " << evaluateNonlinearError
280 << "\n";
281 cout << "factorization: "
282 << factorizationTranslator(factorization) << "\n";
283 cout << "cacheLinearizedFactors: " << cacheLinearizedFactors
284 << "\n";
285 cout << "enableDetailedResults: " << enableDetailedResults
286 << "\n";
287 cout << "enablePartialRelinearizationCheck: "
288 << enablePartialRelinearizationCheck << "\n";
289 cout << "findUnusedFactorSlots: " << findUnusedFactorSlots
290 << "\n";
291 cout.flush();
292 }
297 OptimizationParams getOptimizationParams() const {
298 return this->optimizationParams;
299 }
300 RelinearizationThreshold getRelinearizeThreshold() const {
301 return relinearizeThreshold;
302 }
303 int getRelinearizeSkip() const { return relinearizeSkip; }
304 bool isEnableRelinearization() const { return enableRelinearization; }
305 bool isEvaluateNonlinearError() const { return evaluateNonlinearError; }
306 std::string getFactorization() const {
307 return factorizationTranslator(factorization);
308 }
309 bool isCacheLinearizedFactors() const { return cacheLinearizedFactors; }
310 KeyFormatter getKeyFormatter() const { return keyFormatter; }
311 bool isEnableDetailedResults() const { return enableDetailedResults; }
312 bool isEnablePartialRelinearizationCheck() const {
313 return enablePartialRelinearizationCheck;
314 }
316 void setOptimizationParams(OptimizationParams optimizationParams) {
317 this->optimizationParams = optimizationParams;
318 }
319 void setRelinearizeThreshold(RelinearizationThreshold relinearizeThreshold) {
320 this->relinearizeThreshold = relinearizeThreshold;
321 }
322 void setRelinearizeSkip(int relinearizeSkip) {
323 this->relinearizeSkip = relinearizeSkip;
324 }
325 void setEnableRelinearization(bool enableRelinearization) {
326 this->enableRelinearization = enableRelinearization;
327 }
328 void setEvaluateNonlinearError(bool evaluateNonlinearError) {
329 this->evaluateNonlinearError = evaluateNonlinearError;
330 }
331 void setFactorization(const std::string& factorization) {
332 this->factorization = factorizationTranslator(factorization);
333 }
334 void setCacheLinearizedFactors(bool cacheLinearizedFactors) {
335 this->cacheLinearizedFactors = cacheLinearizedFactors;
336 }
337 void setKeyFormatter(KeyFormatter keyFormatter) {
338 this->keyFormatter = keyFormatter;
339 }
340 void setEnableDetailedResults(bool enableDetailedResults) {
341 this->enableDetailedResults = enableDetailedResults;
342 }
343 void setEnablePartialRelinearizationCheck(
344 bool enablePartialRelinearizationCheck) {
345 this->enablePartialRelinearizationCheck = enablePartialRelinearizationCheck;
346 }
348 GaussianFactorGraph::Eliminate getEliminationFunction() const {
349 return factorization == CHOLESKY
350 ? (GaussianFactorGraph::Eliminate)EliminatePreferCholesky
352 }
359 static Factorization factorizationTranslator(const std::string& str);
360 static std::string factorizationTranslator(const Factorization& value);
365} // namespace gtsam
Linear Factor Graph where all factors are Gaussians.
Nonlinear factor graph optimizer using Powell's Dogleg algorithm (detail implementation)
Global functions in a separate testing namespace.
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
void print(const Matrix &A, const string &s, ostream &stream)
print without optional string, must specify cout yourself
Definition: Matrix.cpp:155
std::pair< GaussianConditional::shared_ptr, JacobianFactor::shared_ptr > EliminateQR(const GaussianFactorGraph &factors, const Ordering &keys)
Multiply all factors and eliminate the given keys from the resulting factor using a QR variant that h...
Definition: JacobianFactor.cpp:789
std::function< std::string(Key)> KeyFormatter
Typedef for a function to format a key, i.e. to convert it to a string.
Definition: Key.h:35
std::function< EliminationResult(const FactorGraphType &, const Ordering &)> Eliminate
The function type that does a single dense elimination step on a subgraph.
Definition: EliminateableFactorGraph.h:89
This class contains the implementation of the Dogleg algorithm.
Definition: DoglegOptimizerImpl.h:32
Specifies how the trust region is adapted at each Dogleg iteration.
Definition: DoglegOptimizerImpl.h:53
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:35
double wildfireThreshold
Continue updating the linear delta only when changes are above this threshold (default: 0....
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:37
ISAM2GaussNewtonParams(double _wildfireThreshold=0.001)
Specify parameters as constructor arguments.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:41
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:67
DoglegOptimizerImpl::TrustRegionAdaptationMode adaptationMode
See description in DoglegOptimizerImpl::TrustRegionAdaptationMode.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:73
bool verbose
Whether Dogleg prints iteration and convergence information.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:76
ISAM2DoglegParams(double _initialDelta=1.0, double _wildfireThreshold=1e-5, DoglegOptimizerImpl::TrustRegionAdaptationMode _adaptationMode=DoglegOptimizerImpl::SEARCH_EACH_ITERATION, bool _verbose=false)
Specify parameters as constructor arguments.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:79
double initialDelta
The initial trust region radius for Dogleg.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:68
double wildfireThreshold
Continue updating the linear delta only when changes are above this threshold (default: 1e-5)
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:70
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:135
bool enablePartialRelinearizationCheck
Check variables for relinearization in tree-order, stopping the check once a variable does not need t...
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:218
OptimizationParams optimizationParams
Optimization parameters, this both selects the nonlinear optimization method and specifies its parame...
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:150
void print(const std::string &str="") const
print iSAM2 parameters
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:252
bool enableRelinearization
Controls whether ISAM2 will ever relinearize any variables (default: true)
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:174
bool cacheLinearizedFactors
Whether to cache linear factors (default: true).
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:200
bool evaluateNonlinearError
Whether to evaluate the nonlinear error before and after the update, to return in ISAM2Result from up...
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:177
bool enableDetailedResults
Whether to compute and return ISAM2Result::detailedResults, this can increase running time (default: ...
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:206
boost::variant< ISAM2GaussNewtonParams, ISAM2DoglegParams > OptimizationParams
Either ISAM2GaussNewtonParams or ISAM2DoglegParams.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:137
bool findUnusedFactorSlots
When you will be removing many factors, e.g.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:224
boost::variant< double, FastMap< char, Vector > > RelinearizationThreshold
Either a constant relinearization threshold or a per-variable-type set of thresholds.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:140
int relinearizeSkip
Only relinearize any variables every relinearizeSkip calls to ISAM2::update (default: 10)
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:170
Factorization factorization
Specifies whether to use QR or CHOESKY numerical factorization (default: CHOLESKY).
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:193
KeyFormatter keyFormatter
A KeyFormatter for when keys are printed during debugging (default: DefaultKeyFormatter)
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:203
RelinearizationThreshold relinearizeThreshold
Only relinearize variables whose linear delta magnitude is greater than this threshold (default: 0....
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:168
ISAM2Params(OptimizationParams _optimizationParams=ISAM2GaussNewtonParams(), RelinearizationThreshold _relinearizeThreshold=0.1, int _relinearizeSkip=10, bool _enableRelinearization=true, bool _evaluateNonlinearError=false, Factorization _factorization=ISAM2Params::CHOLESKY, bool _cacheLinearizedFactors=true, const KeyFormatter &_keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, bool _enableDetailedResults=false)
Specify parameters as constructor arguments See the documentation of member variables above.
Definition: ISAM2Params.h:230